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“So no matter what we do, I’ll know you have my best interests in mind.”

“Like asking you to eat dinner naked?”

“Was that a trust building exercise?” I ask carefully, touching his chest. He’s always dressed so nicely, so professionally. He always seems to have everything together.

“Do you feel like you trust me more?”

“I certainly feel more submissive,” I admit.

“Tell me more about that.”

“Well, to be honest, I wasn’t sure that I was submissive at all. The word ‘submissive’ is just a nasty one.”

He laughs. “I know a lot of people don’t like it.”

“It makes me think of the whole ‘women must submit to men’ idea. I don’t really like that. It sounds like torture, but that’s not what it is at all. Being submissive doesn’t mean I become a doormat. Yeah, it means I’ll give you control in the bedroom, but it also means I get to take care of you.”

He lifts my chin, and his eyes search mine. “Is that what you want, sweetheart? You want to take care of me?”

“I did tonight,” I tell him truthfully. “You seemed so anxious and tired when you got here. I was glad I had prepared a meal for you, and when I saw your reaction, it made me even happier. You seemed really excited about it, really happy.”

“I was. It’s an incredible meal.”

“You were very appreciative. I guess I just like this give-and-take idea. I submit to you, and you take care of me, too.”

“I would very much like to take care of you.”

“The way you were going to take care of me on the balcony?” I ask, flushing. I think of how excited I was to be out on the deck of Anchored with Tony. It was the craziest, wildest night I think I’ve ever had, and that includes my college days.

“I didn’t get to finish taking care of you,” he murmurs. “If I remember correctly, we were sorely interrupted.”

“We have tonight,” I say helpfully, and he smiles.

“Is that what you want, sweetheart? You want me to give you an orgasm?”

“Yes, Master Tony.”

“Turn around, but stay on my lap.”

I wiggle around so I’m leaning against him. My legs dangle over his, so they’re spread. I feel very open and vulnerable, but I lean my head back against Tony’s chest. He’s strong and big. This is the kind of guy who, despite working crazy hours at a large law firm, finds time to work out. I like it.

And I like the way he makes me feel.

I might feel more open than I ever have in my life, but I also trust that he’s going to take care of me. He’s going to make me feel incredible. He’s not going to let me fall.

Even if things don’t work out with Tony, I trust him. I know he isn’t going to leave me hanging. He’s not going to let me down. He’s not going to leave after we sleep together and never speak to me again. He isn’t going to start ignoring my texts or calls. If things don’t work out, he’ll tell me. We’ll communicate. We’ll treat each other with respect.

Everything is going to be just fine.

“Tell me what just ran through your head, sweetheart.”

“I was just thinking that you aren’t going to ignore me tomorrow. You aren’t going to just not call me.”

“Of course not.”

“I just think I’m lucky to have met you. You’re a good man, Tony.”

“It’s easy to be good when I’m around someone as sweet as you, Macie.”

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy