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“Now that we’re almost done with our meal, how do you feel about being naked the entire time?”

Macie glances down at herself, as if she’s completely forgotten she’s not wearing clothes.

“Oh,” she whispers. “My nipples are hard, so I guess it’s not too bad.”

“Yes,” I reach for one and touch it gently with my fingers. “It’s not too bad at all.”

“To be honest, I sort of forgot I was naked. Once we started talking, the conversation was flowing so well, and I just wasn’t really worried about it.”

“You’re a brave woman.”

“We’ll see how brave I can be once dinner is over,” she says quietly. “I have a feeling you’ve got some surprises in store for me.”

I wink and take a sip of my drink.

Do I have surprises in store for Macie? Absolutely.

Will she love them? Of course.

I would never do anything to her I wasn’t sure she’d completely enjoy. I want her to feel adored and special. I want her to feel like she’s the queen of the world. I want her to feel like she’s a goddess.

Because she is.

Chapter 11


After dinner, we spend some time drinking wine and talking. We end up on the couch, and as we talk, Tony touches me constantly. His touch isn’t sexual, but it keeps my body on edge and alert. Even though he’s running his hands over my legs and down my arms, careful to avoid any sensitive areas, I’m still turned on.

“So you’ve had a week to process how things went at Anchored,” he says. “How do you think it compares to vanilla dating?”

“It’s definitely different,” I say.

“Tell me how.”

“When I date people, in general, there’s not that much talking, you know?”

“You like to jump to the good stuff, do you?” He winks.

“No!” I slap him playfully. “Do you know what I mean, though? I feel like you and I have talked so much this week, and we haven’t even had sex yet.” I blush. “It’s nice. I feel like I’ve opened up to you a lot, and you’ve opened to me, as well.”

“That’s what kink is all about. Whether you want BDSM or just D/s or something that’s a weird, erotic mix that can’t really be labeled, good communication is at the core of that.”

“I think when I’ve been with vanilla guys, the thing that’s always missing is the openness. I could never tell someone what my fantasies were or what I really wanted.”

“Why do you think that is?” He touches my hair. “You’re sweet, Macie, and gentle. If you were my girl, I’d listen to all of your fantasies. I’d eat them up.”

“Like the big, bad wolf,” I whisper, and he nods.

I snuggle closer to Tony, comfortable with how much we’re touching.

“This is a good example,” I say. “We’re touching, and we’re talking, and in a vanilla relationship, this doesn’t usually happen. If I’m naked with someone, we usually just end up having sex, and that’s all it is: sex. We don’t talk about how we like it or things we want to try.”

“There’s a stigma that when you like kink, you have to enjoy hardcore bondage.”

“That’s what I thought,” I admit. “Lily and Christina have been really helpful in explaining things to me. They’ve shown me that exploring my sexuality doesn’t have to be some dark, dirty thing. It doesn’t have to be dangerous. It can be safe, sane, and consensual, and it can push my limits without freaking me out.”

“Well, that’s another reason communication is important,” Tony pulls me into his lap, and I curl up against him. The gesture is intimate, but sweet, and I feel immensely comfortable with him. “If we talk about what’s going to happen in a scene ahead of time, you won’t feel as scared or uneasy. You’ll be able to really enjoy what’s happening. Even if I wanted to surprise you, my little sub, communication helps build trust.”

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy