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“Actually,” I say, pressing my hands to his chest. “I was thinking we could eat here.”

“Is that right?”

“I cooked.”


“You seem surprised.”

“No one’s ever cooked for me before.”

“How is that possible?” I ask. “No offense, but you’re quite a catch. I would imagine all of your ex-girlfriends would be falling head over tail to try to cook for you.”

“That is not the case.”

“Well, why don’t you come inside? I made brisket.”

“That is literally my favorite food,” he says, stepping into my house. I close the door and turn to him.

“I know.”


“Zack helped me out a little,” I admit. It’s probably a little weird, calling Tony’s BFF and asking for advice, but he’s smiling at me, and I suddenly feel like maybe it wasn’t a terrible decision.

“Clever girl.” Tony takes his jacket off and hangs it over the back of a chair. “Cozy place you have,” he says, looking around. “I like it.”

“I don’t mean to brag, but I got all of my furniture at thrift stores and garage sales,” I tell him.

Tony laughs. “Did you now?”

“I did. What can I say? I like to save money.”

“Me too,” he says.

“A thrifty lawyer? Oh, you are rare.”

“Does that surprise you?”

“A little,” I tell him, shrugging. “There’s definitely the stereotype that lawyers love to blow money.”

“I’m afraid that’s not me. My colleagues think I’m a little crazy for that.”

“Not at all,” I shake my head. “I like it. Maybe it’s because I grew up pretty poor, but I like to save money, too. I think there’s something to be said for living simply.”

“There’s one thing we have in common.”

“I think we have a lot in common. It’s been really fun texting this week,” I tell him, taking a seat on the couch. He sits next to me and our legs touch. I’m instantly transported back to Anchored. Each touch from Tony somehow felt magical.

“I’ve enjoyed it, too,” he runs his hand over my thigh. With some guys, it would feel forward or aggressive, but not with Tony. Somehow, it feels right when he touches me this way. It feels like everything is as it should be.

“It’s been a long week,” I admit. “And to be honest, I almost canceled tonight. I’m exhausted, and overwhelmed. I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this, except that I feel really comfortable with you.”

“What happened?” He asks. “Is it work?”

“One of my employees quit randomly and I’m having problems with my manager,” I shrug. “She’s been flaking on me, and it puts extra pressure on me. I prefer the cooking side of my business. It’s why I hired her. She handles the scheduling and getting new clients, and I get to have fun in the kitchen. This week, though,” I shake my head. “It’s been rough.”

“I’m having a hard time with work, too,” he says.

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy