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Zack walks over to my desk and makes himself comfortable in one of the chairs.

“Have you thought about leaving?”


“What’s holding you back? You’ve paid off your student loans, man. You don’t have any debt. You don’t have anything keeping you here. Why don’t you get a different job? Have you considered it?”

“I’m a lawyer by trade. I spent so much time in school, so much money. Walking away at this point seems like a waste.”

“You could try a different kind of law.”

“All law makes me tired. No offense to you. I know you love real estate, but the idea makes me yawn. I want something new. I want something that challenges me, but doesn’t make me feel like I’m the bad guy.”

“There are a ton of things you can do, man. You aren’t trapped here.”

“I feel like I am. I feel like walking away at this point essentially means the last decade of my life has been a waste.”

“It hasn’t been,” Zack shakes his head. “Plenty of people make career changes, Tony. There’s nothing wrong with that. You’ve had a great run and you’ve helped a ton of people. You might not think you have, but you have. Hell, you helped me. Without you working on my case, I would have lost everything. You’re the only reason I made it through my divorce in one piece.”

I nod because I know it’s true. I did my best to help Zack through his nightmare of a divorce. It was my first big case and I worked my ass off to help him. I would do anything for him. He’s like a brother to me. I couldn’t let him down in that way, not when it came to his future.

“Just think about it,” Zack says. “You don’t have to decide anything now. Finish up your current cases, of course, but then consider moving on. Your stress isn’t worth your pride, brother. Walking away doesn’t mean you failed. It just means you’re choosing yourself. You’re choosing what’s best for you Sometimes that means making a hard choice. Sometimes it means making a change in a big way, and that’s all right.”

Maybe he’s right.

Maybe it’s time I picked myself instead of sticking with a plan I came up with as a teen.

When I went to college, I knew I wanted to be a lawyer. I wanted to make money and make a difference in the world. I thought divorce was interesting, and it was definitely a good way to make money. I live simply and was able to pay off my loans sooner than most other attorneys I know. Being debt-free was a priority to me, and I focused on paying that down before I allowed myself to buy anything big or special. Hell, I still rent my house because it’s cheaper than buying right now. I don’t drive a flashy car or spend a ton on drinking. Aside from my Anchored membership, I don’t really treat myself.

Maybe a career change is the treat I need.

Maybe it’s time to do something different.

Maybe it’s time to choose myself.

Chapter 9


By the time Thursday night arrives, I’m exhausted from the week. I’ve had several major catering events this week and if my date wasn’t with Tony, I would definitely cancel. Although I’m excited about seeing him, what I really want is to crash on the couch and just sleep. Netflix and Chill is sounding pretty damn good to me, but my desire to see Tony overrides my exhaustion, and I manage to get dressed for our date with half an hour to spare.

Of course, I spend this time fidgeting and questioning my own sanity. I’m going on a date with a guy I met at a sex club. Who does that? Oh yeah, my besties. I don’t think Lily and Christina are crazy at all for engaging in relationships that started at Anchored, but somehow, when it comes to me, I’m being totally hard on myself.

A knock at the door draws me out of my thoughts.

He’s here.

Anthony Diamond is here.

I take a deep breath, and then I open my front door.

“Wow,” I say, taking him in. He’s wearing a suit that makes him look like a billionaire werewolf shifter. Yeah, I’ve been doing a lot of reading this week.

“Wow yourself,” he smiles and looks me up and down. “You look incredible.” I’m wearing a pink sundress with sandals. It’s nothing terribly fancy, but it shows off my curves and it’s a little low-cut, so I have a fair amount of cleavage showing. I feel great in this dress, and the rush of confidence from his compliment isn’t something I’m going to forget anytime soon.

“I do what I can.”

“Shall we go to dinner?”

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy