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What kind of guy is this?

Most guys are just so fast to run away after you’ve been intimate. I’ve never been with someone who wanted to talk, who wanted to discuss what we did. Thorn is already so different from every person in my past.

“What do you want to talk about?”

June chuckles, and I realizing she’s listening as she cleans the counters.

“Don’t mind me, sweetie,” she says when I look at her. “Just take a deep breath and give the Dom what he wants. It’s easier that way. Trust me.”

“You want me to tell you what I’m feeling,” I say, looking at Thorn, and he nods.

“I want that very much.”

“Most people don’t ask to talk after they’ve fooled around.”

“Most people are idiots.”

I sip my whiskey again, trying to buy myself a few more seconds. What do I say to Thorn? I think up several ideas, but finally, I just decide to go with the truth.

“I feel very sexy,” I say. “And that’s not something I feel very often.”

“You are an incredibly erotic woman, Lily.”

“Thank you.”

“You can say that again,” June winks from behind the bar.

“Are you hitting on me?” I whisper, but June just laughs and moves away to make a drink for someone. She seems to glide behind the bar. She’s moving constantly, never standing still. At first, I thought she was on roller-skates, but I think she’s just a very graceful person.

“I like the way you trusted me,” Thorn says, whispering in my ear. He’s rubbing my thigh, but it doesn’t feel overpowering. I don’t feel smothered or like he’s pressuring me for anything. He’s just talking to me, and it’s kind of nice.

“I’m not used to this. I’m not used to doing stuff like this. I mean, I’m just a daycare worker, you know? I work with little kids all day. I’m not exactly an experienced sex goddess.”

“You could have fooled me. You seemed quite comfortable with being kissed and touched in public.”

“It’s strange. I feel like I should be embarrassed, but I’m not.”

“You should never be embarrassed, kitten.”

“Why are you calling me kitten?”

“Because when you came, you purred beautifully, like a sweet, sassy kitten.”

“You don’t think I should be embarrassed I’m here?”

“Not at all. I’m not embarrassed,” he reaches for his drink and finishes it. Then he motions for June to get us each another one, which she does with another wink and a bright smile.

“Thank you for the drinks,” I tell him, trying to remember my manners. I have no idea what drinks cost here, and it’s really nice of him to pick them up. Unlike most guys, I don’t get the feeling Master Thorn has any sexual expectations. Even though we fooled around, I don’t think he’s going to ask me to come home with him. I don’t think he’d be mad or angry if I said no.

“Of course. It’s my pleasure. Thank you for your company. Now tell me, why do you think you should be embarrassed?”

“Because letting a stranger finger-fuck you in public isn’t very appropriate.”

He lets out a laugh, and I have a feeling my vocabulary caught him off guard. Thorn just smiles, though. He doesn’t tell me to watch my language.

“A lot of things aren’t appropriate. That doesn’t mean they’re not worth doing. It just means you need to learn not to care what people think.”

I let his words sink in for a second and I think about my week. Do I care too much what people think? Somehow, everything in my life feels like a struggle right now. I’m always fighting my boss over the weekend hours. I’m always arguing for time off. I’m always trying to get my landlord to fix anything. I’m always feeling stressed, tired, exhausted.

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy