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“You want me to wait?” I asked.

“No, that’s okay, I’ll see you outside.”

I walked back out toward my friends, trying, but failing, to keep the satisfied grin off my face. I’d never been with a woman like Sasha before. Someone whose sexual appetite was as vast and frequent as mine. Someone who accepted me for who I was, not who they wanted me to be. It was a crazy kind of cool that this woman who’d been an important part of my life for eight years was rocking my world on every level.

I sat back down and grinned at the table.

“Where’s Sasha?” Shelly asked.

“The restroom,” I answered.

The words were no sooner out of my mouth before both Shelly and Gaby jumped up and said, “Be right back.”

I chuckled as the girls ran inside, then looked at the faces of my friends, who were looking at me with everything from confusion to envy.

Chapter 18 – Sasha

“Sasha?” I heard Shelly’s voice ask from the other side of the bathroom door.

“In here,” I confirmed.

“I might as well go too, while we’re waiting.” This came from Gaby.

I was pretty sure I knew why they’d come looking for me in the bathroom … TJ and I were busted.

I heard the door open again and my ears perked up when I heard Shelly say dryly, “Oh, hey, Melody.”

Melody was the girl who TJ had slept with in the field all those years ago. The one who’d stalked him afterward, never getting the hint that he wasn’t interested in a relationship. I’d always felt kind of sorry for her. She always had seemed to want to fit in, but just went about it the wrong way. I was surprised at Shelly’s tone when greeting her. Shelly was always nice to everyone.

“Um … Shelly,” I heard Melody stutter, and even though I was finished, I didn’t want to intrude. I had a feeling Gaby was in the next stall doing the same thing.


“I just want to say, that I’m sorry for the way I acted the last time we saw each other. You know, in the grocery store. It was really hateful of me to talk to you like that when you were going through a tough time, and I feel really bad about it. So … I’m sorry, and I’m glad everything is good with you and Cal.”

I was dying to know what the hell Melody was talking about. Shelly hadn’t mentioned anything about a confrontation with her.

“Thanks, I appreciate that,” Shelly responded. I’m sure she realized it took a lot of guts for Melody to apologize to her like that. Figuring it was safe to come out, I flushed the toilet and pulled down my dress.

Melody’s eyes went round when she saw me walk out, but I just said, “Hi, Melody,” and walked past her to wash my hands. I chuckled when she scurried into the stall I’d just vacated, then turned to Shelly and mouthed, “What was that about?”

“Later,” Shelly mouthed back.

Gaby came out of her stall a minute later, and they ushered me out in the hall, presumably to give me the third degree without Melody hearing.

“Did you just sneak away from dinner to have sex with TJ … in public?” Gaby asked in a loud whisper.

I just looked at her and winked, then turned to lead them back to the party. I laughed when I heard Shelly whisper just as loudly to Gaby, “I want to be her when I grow up.” By the time we reached the deck, we were all laughing, and my stomach fluttered when TJ caught my eye and gave me a knowing grin. I leaned in to give him a soft kiss on the lips before taking my seat.

Thrilled to see my dirty martini was waiting for me, I took a sip and turned to look at Shelly when she cleared her throat. “Well, before the waiter comes back for our order, I want to say I’m so excited we could all get together tonight. It seems like it’s been too long. As you know, Cal is thinking of opening a shop with TJ, and Scott … and maybe Sasha.” She looked at me and grinned. I smiled back, then checked to make sure TJ was alright. He was sitting back, smiling at Shelly as she spoke, so I hoped he was good. “But,” Shelly continued, “that’s not the only reason we wanted to celebrate with you all tonight.” She turned to Cal, who was beaming at her, then stated, “We’re pregnant!”

Happiness rushed through me, and everyone started talking at once. Scott got up to give Cal a hug, and I jumped up to go grab Shelly. Gaby and I reached her at the same time and we all squealed together.

“Oh my gosh, this is so wonderful,” Gaby gushed, her eyes filling with tears.

“I’m so happy for you,” I said, somewhat misty myself.

“I can’t believe it,” Shelly said. “I’m going to be a mommy,” which made all of us really start crying.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance