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He pulled a small jewelry box from his baggy jeans pocket and my heart started to pound, completely out of control. It was way too soon for this, no matter how right it all felt. He opened the box to reveal a simple ring, a line of diamonds channeled within a solid band of platinum.

“I know it’s too soon to get engaged, even though I’d marry your sweet ass tomorrow if you’d let me, Sparkles.” His smile grew wider as I giggled at the nickname. “But I wanted to get you something to show you that I don’t plan on going anywhere. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.”

I reached for the ring and read the words etched inside the band.

2day. 2morrow. 4ever. Walker + Madison

My eyes filled with tears as I looked up at him, my heart feeling too full for my chest. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

“Put it on. And never take it off.”

When Walker slid the cool metal band onto the ring finger of my right hand, I felt a little tremor run through me. I knew without a doubt that I’d never spend another day without this man by my side.

We were good apart, but together we were unstoppable.

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