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“She’s too busy with work. She doesn’t socialize much,” I half-lied.

She never talked about her girlfriends, but I never found it strange. If it wasn’t for James, I’d never talk or hang out with anyone either.

“You’re lying, but that’s fine. I’m just going to come down with you next time, and I’ll see for myself,” he informed me with a stupid smirk.

“Next time is in a few hours, and you’re not invited.”

“Not tonight. Next time, next time.”

“Don’t you have work to do? People’s hearts to shatter? Get to it.”

He saluted me and gave me a smug-ass grin before walking out.



I offered to pick Daniel up from the Santa Monica airport, and we drove to my house in awkward anticipation of what the night held. At least I felt awkward. He seemed perfectly fine. Then again, he’d had sex far more recently than I had.

“You look beautiful,” he said before placing his hand on my thigh.

I felt my cheeks warm as I blushed with his compliment.

“Thank you.” I briefly glanced over at him before paying attention to the traffic-laden streets.

“Is it always this busy here?” His face was tilted to the right as he looked out at the streets.

“For the most part. Everyone seems to come here all day, and then they never leave at night.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, there is so much to do here. People spend the day at the beach, and then they shop all night or go to dinner. We have tons of restaurants and bars. It’s the ideal tourist spot. Remind me to take you to one of my favorite places sometime, okay? It’s completely underrated.”

“Let’s go now,” his voice purred.

My heart raced. I knew if we delayed the inevitable any longer, I’d fall apart with the expectation of what was to come.

“It’s not open now,” I half-lied. It most likely wasn’t open right now even though I knew I could get us in.

“Fine. Take me home already.” He smirked.

“I’m trying,” I said, braking as another streetlight turned red.

Two right turns later, and we pulled into the underground parking lot of my building. Shutting off the engine, I exited the car and made my way to the passenger side, a full dozen white roses tied with a string from Daniel in hand.

He grabbed me and I almost dropped the few things in my arms. “I hate that we fought.”

“Me, too.” I looked into his hazel eyes and melted.

“But I like that we get to make up.” He pressed his lips to mine, his hand reaching back to grip my ass. “I can’t wait to make you mine.”

I shivered as he followed me through the parking garage and toward the elevator against the well-lit corner of the building. He wasted no time once the doors had closed. His body shoved against mine, his hand making sure to cradle the back of my head so that it wouldn’t slam into the hardness of the elevator wall. Tongues frantically searched for one another as his hands roamed over my body in places where I wouldn’t have dared let him touch me a mere few days ago.

He pulled away only slightly, looking me in the eyes before saying, “You’re so fucking beautiful, Elizabeth, and smart and feisty and a pain in my ass. You have no idea what you do to me.”

I reached across the front of his suit pants and cupped his growing dick. “I have some sort of idea,” I said as my cheeks warmed with his compliments and my excitement.

His lips grazed against my neck, sucking and licking, causing my eyes to squeeze shut with pleasure. The elevator dinged, and I reached for his hand, my chest heaving with each breath I took.

Tags: J. Sterling Heartless Romance