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Did I remember to sign my name?

Maybe the card got lost?

Maybe I sound like an insecure loser.

Elizabeth had all the goddamn control in this situation, and she knew it. I fucking hated it.

Sitting in my office that was bigger than my first apartment, I stared at the city, silently hating the fact that she wasn’t in it. She was hundreds of miles away from me at the moment, and that fact had done nothing to quench my thirst for her. It only made my desire to see her that much stronger.

A man always wants what he can’t have, I reminded myself.

But I knew deep down that it was more than that. Elizabeth wasn’t some conquest I wanted to win. Yes, she challenged me with her sassy mouth and snarky responses, but that only made me want her more.

Plus, I’d meant it when I told her I wanted to kiss her again. I couldn’t get her fucking lips or the taste of her tongue out of my head. Even my dick would wake up the second she popped into my mind. We were both clearly big fans of Elizabeth Lyons.

Could a man be blamed for wanting to get to know a woman better, for recognizing when someone special had entered his life? That was what I wanted, and so that was what I would get. I refused to take no for an answer from her. I’d warned her last night and again today in one of my emails.

Elizabeth sure as hell wasn’t someone I was ready to let go of. I would have to take matters into my own hands. I’d make her see that I wanted more than just one night with her, and I’d convince her that she wanted the same thing.

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Tags: J. Sterling Heartless Romance