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Was he for real? I immediately hit the Reply button and stared at my computer screen for what felt like hours, but I knew that only seconds had passed. Part of me wanted to respond with something snarky and emasculating just for fun, but the rest of me knew that any response would only encourage him further. How could I respond to something that mentioned a kiss over company email anyway?

I had to ignore him—or try.

But I had tried to ignore him last night, and we’d seen how well that worked out—strong arms swinging me around the dance floor, his lips on mine.


I should have forced Barbara to call him and bitch him out for being so unprofessional, but he’d probably like that. I had a feeling that Daniel Alexander liked anything anyone told him not to do. Shaking my head, I closed the email without responding, but I didn’t delete it. I didn’t have time for this guy, but Lord, how I wanted to make some.

No! I silently berated myself for being so conflicted when it came to him. He was quickly becoming a weakness I couldn’t afford.

My email pinged again.

From: Alexander, Daniel

To: Lyons, Elizabeth

Subject: Silence

Your silence is killing me. Don’t make me do something rash to get your attention.


Really? My silence had occurred in the last twenty seconds since I received his first email. This man needed a lesson in patience, not to mention accepting the word no. I would add it to the mental list I’d so clearly started keeping on what Daniel needed lessons in. Damn it!


Barbara eyed me as I hustled between meetings. Carrying a stack of production papers and two new scripts, I rushed into my office to deposit them before grabbing the folder I needed for my next meeting.

I stopped short the second I entered. A sea of red swarmed atop my desk, and I spied what were easily at least two-dozen long-stemmed roses. My eyes focused in on the single white rose standing in the center of the bunch. This was the most beautiful flower arrangement I’d ever received.

I walked calmly toward them even though my insides urged me to sprint there. Leaning down to inhale the fragrance, I touched the petals of the white rose, admiring it the most.

Reaching for the tiny envelope, I opened it and pulled out the card.

In a roomful of roses,

you’re the only one i see.

Please let me see you again.


“You’re in trouble now,” Barbara’s voice warned, pulling me out of my rose-filled trance.

I glanced up at her, knowing full well how right she was but refusing to admit it.



Between calls and meetings, I stared at my computer for most of the day, waiting for Elizabeth’s name to show up in my inbox or on my telephone caller ID. But that never happened. Every hour that had passed with no response from her drove me more and more crazy. I was used to being in control, but she made me feel helpless.

I fought off the urge to text her, knowing that she’d most likely ignore that as well, and I couldn’t handle any more rejection from her today. She’d also wonder how I’d gotten her number, and I refused to rat out her assistant, who was quickly becoming my biggest ally.

Checking the tracking number one last time, I knew the roses had been received at 3:17 p.m., and someone in the main security office had signed for them. Maybe Elizabeth hadn’t seen them yet? I was half-tempted to call Barbara to check, but I stopped myself from wanting to know the truth. What would it mean if she’d seen them but not reached out to me?

Tags: J. Sterling Heartless Romance