Page 16 of Office Hate

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Slowly she sat up then turned to me. Her hair was so pretty as it kissed her breasts; her lips looked almost swollen. “Try not to have any wet dreams while I’m walking around.”

“Yes, how embarrassing…almost as embarrassing as falling asleep on someone’s…oh wait a second!” I snapped my fingers.”

She smacked me in the chest then shoved me down against the couch again, straddling me with her gorgeous tan legs.

I gripped her hips and ground her body down on mine; even through the blanket I could feel her heat.

Her lips parted as her head fell back, exposing her neck, her body moving over mine in urgency.

I didn’t plan on dry humping her on my boss’s couch, just like I didn’t plan on putting a leash on a gecko. Maybe the best moments are the ones that surprise you.

Maybe the best moments are spontaneous, with a girl you hate but can’t get enough of and want more and more despite how annoying she was.

What was happening to me?

She bit down on her lip and let out a little sob collapsing against me while I was still hard as a rock. “You bastard.”

“You’re welcome.”

Another smack on the chest and then. “Did the gecko see?”


“If he has to go to therapy, you’re paying,” she grumbled.

I rubbed her back in small circles, then whispered, “Worth it.”

Within minutes she was snoring.

And Little G looked like he needed another walk.

With a curse, I slowly disentangled our bodies, laid her on the couch, and pulled the blanket over her, then went to grab a snack for Little G. I dropped it in his cage and whispered, “No telling Max.”

And I swear on all that’s holy, that damn lizard, nodded his head.

Chapter Eight


“Welcome!” Max was wearing a mint grin suit with a white V-neck shirt underneath as he spread his arms wide from his office. “To the Emory Games!”

“Do we applaud?” I whispered under my breath to Mark.

He shot me a wink. “You applaud for his announcement and not your orgasm? I’m disappointed, Olivia.”

I felt my cheeks heat. Damn it! How was I supposed to hate a guy that not only semi-forced me to ride out an orgasm but actually let me have an extra hour of sleep before taking care of the damn gecko!

“I trust Little G did well with you both?” Max nodded toward the small cage on the table.

“He was an absolute joy, sir.” Mark cleared his throat.

I snorted. The little shit really was afraid of the fridge; every time he saw his reflection, he ran, and I had to run after him at five a.m. Exhausted, I ran into a chair twice and scraped my knee on the table in an effort to stop the stupid gecko not to hide under the couch…again.

If this was like having kids, then, well, no more sex for me!

Not that I had unprotected sex on the regular, but still man, I was so tired.

I swayed on my feet a bit.

“…and then you’ll be expected to answer the trivia questions in order to gain enough points for the day. Remember, at the end of the internship, you’ll need at least five hundred points. You’ll have daily competitions, and of course, you’re not only competing against each other but yourselves.”

“He’s crazy,” Mark said under his breath, smile still plastered on his face.

“Yup,” I agreed.

“So please, each of you, take a buzzer and your position as we commence with our first Emory Games event!’

“If he says Emory Games one more time…” I muttered.

Mark rubbed my back.

I almost leaned into him.

And then I jerked away.


I needed this job.

Get it together, Olivia! One orgasm, and you’re ready to take a nap on his shoulder? No. Be cold. Ruthless. Be you!

Feeling a bit better, I stood behind my little table, quickly sucked down some of the Emory Energy Drink that was provided, and reached for my buzzer.

“And for the first question—”

“Wait.” I held up one hand. “Why are we getting filmed?”

“I like watching myself.” He shrugged. “And according to Little G—”

“OKAY, THANKS!” I yelled.

Max just laughed. “All right, first question. What’s my favorite color?”

The hell?

Mark buzzed. “Blue.”

“Correct!” Max grinned.

“That was a guess!” I shot Mark a glare.

“And a good one at that,” Max agreed.

I chugged more of the energy drink. “Okay, I’m ready.”

“What reality show was I on when—”

We both buzzed at the same time and yelled. “Love Island!”

“Correct, both of you are awarded ten points!”

I stuck my tongue out at Mark and waited, my finger hovering over the red button.

“Name everyone from the show Friends…”

I buzzed and answered, “Rachel, Ross, Joey, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and bonus points, Ben was the son, and Marcelle was the monkey.”

Max looked so touched that I thought he would start crying as he dropped his cue card and slow clapped. “Thank you for being inclusive to all animals.”

“Of course!” I grinned.

Tags: Rachel Van Dyken Romance