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Lance glanced back with a smirk on his face. “I’ve got plenty of dirt on you. I don’t need to use this too.”

When we reached his house, Remington carried me in. Before we had a chance to talk, the doctor arrived. He examined my wrist and declared it sprained rather than broken. He wrapped it for me and gave me a sling. He also taped my ribs and told me what I should do to take care of them. Finally, he cleaned and applied ointment to my burns and urged me to rest as much as possible so all my injuries could heal.

After all I’d been through, I was too overwhelmed to remember all the instructions, but I had no doubt Remington would take care of me. He loved me. He really loved me. Thank God we had a second chance now.

Remington returned after showing the doctor out, and the two of us were finally alone. He’d sent Lancelot home, not wanting to keep him apart from Tony any longer than he had to. I couldn’t believe he’d left the little creature in his cage. It really showed how much he loved Remington.

Remington sat on the edge of the bed and gently brushed my hair from my face. “I love you, Henri. I’ve never said that to anyone but family. I never thought I would, but I’m saying it now, and I’m going to say it again and again until I’m absolutely certain you believe it. Even after that, I’ll say it at least once a day, probably more. If I’d lost you today without ever having told you…”

I reached my good arm up and placed a finger over his lips. “You found me. You saved me. I’m right here, and if you’ll have me, I won’t ever leave.”

“I have no intention of letting you out of my sight again for a long time. I want you here. I want to treat you like you’re my princess. I want to give you everything, and while I never thought I’d say this, if that includes kids, I’m all in, as many as you want. I’ll do anything for you as long as you let me be part of your life.”

I reached my good hand behind his neck and pulled him down to me. He kissed me gently, not wanting to hurt me, but even that touch, lighter than what I wanted, felt exquisite. My fairy-tale dream was coming true. The hell I’d been through had been worth it for me to end up with such a beautiful, caring man.



Two Weeks Later


My injuries had finally healed enough for Remington to allow me to do a few things for myself. He’d been waiting on me hand and foot or sending one of his family members to do so. I hadn’t left his house, but that part hadn’t bothered me until now. I was happy to be there, either cocooned with him or getting to know his family better while he worked reasonable hours. He seemed more willing to delegate things to Lance and even Corbin, which was fantastic. He needed to learn how to stop working constantly.

When he came home at lunchtime, I was looking out the window, watching the crowds milling in the streets. It was Mardi Gras weekend, and that was the main reason I was now chafing at my confinement. While part of me was still reluctant to step out of the safety of Remington’s home, part of me really wanted to experience the parades.

Remington wrapped an arm around me, placing a kiss on the top of my head. “Will you come to the Endymion parade with me?”

“Really? You want to take me?”

“If you’re up to it.”

I forced myself to consider his words, then let out a breath. “I am. I’m ready to get out of here.”

“Endymion has been my favorite parade since I was a little kid. I think you’ll enjoy it, but you have to stay right by me. I do not want us getting separated in the crowd.”


“I’d love to be alone with you, but it’s better if we have protection. I don’t want you jostled.”

He wasn’t going to stop being overprotective anytime soon, but as much as it frustrated me sometimes, it also warmed me inside. “I love you.”

He brushed his lips over mine. “Henri, I love you so much. Come on. Let’s make this a special night.”

I had a feeling there was some hidden meaning to his words, but I didn’t push him to say more. I knew him well enough now to know that if he wasn’t ready to tell me, he wouldn’t.

A driver dropped Remington, me, and the two guards accompanying us off as close to the parade route as he could. We had a spot on Orleans Avenue near the start of the parade route at City Park. It was clear the man Remington had sent to stake out the spot had been there quite a while.

Tags: Silvia Violet The Theriot Family Romance