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“I want to keep you here just like this.” I stopped myself before adding forever.

“I don’t think I can move anyway.”

I smiled. I wanted to leave my cum on him so it would dry on his skin. I wanted him to remember this moment when he woke tomorrow, but I knew he’d feel better if I cleaned him up, so with one more kiss to the tender skin of his neck, I eased him back down to the mattress. “I’m going to get something to clean you up. I’ll be right back.”

He was mostly asleep when I returned, but he woke when I ran the warm cloth over his ass.

“Sore?” I asked.

“Yes, but I don’t mind.”

“That’s good because I’m not going to be able to wait long before we do that again.”

“I don’t want you to. Are you… Do you want me to stay here?”

I tensed. “You’re not leaving. You made a bargain with me.”

“No, I mean here in your bed to sleep with you, like actually sleep.”

“When I put you in my bed, you don’t leave it until I tell you to.” Which if I had my way would be never. Sadly, that wasn’t realistic. I couldn’t actually take two weeks to indulge myself, but maybe, having figured out a plan with X, I could take one day.

The next morning, I woke soon after sunrise. I wasn’t used to many hours of sleep. No matter how late I’d worked or played the night before, I was usually up early.

Henri was still sound asleep. He was on his back with one knee bent and his arms flopped above his head. All I would have to do was get between his legs, and I could push right into him. I considered it, then decided I wanted to watch him for a while. I traced patterns over his chest and his abdomen, but I didn’t touch his dick, which was half-hard and so very inviting.

I wanted to know how he felt in my mouth. I wanted to know everything about him. I was obsessed. I knew that was dangerous, but I couldn’t make myself care. My touch must’ve tickled him as I slid my fingers along the thin skin above his hip bones. He squirmed and turned over on his side, making a muffled protest.

I pulled him to me, fitting my body against his and letting my now fully hard cock rest against the seam of his ass. I wanted him again, but I also had plans for us, so I just enjoyed the feel of him against me. His skin was chilly at first. I liked to sleep in a cold room, even though it made stepping out into the muggy New Orleans heat feel all that much worse. My body heat warned him, and he sighed and wriggled against me, making it all that much harder for me not to reach for the lube, slick myself up, and push inside him. Would he enjoy waking like that?

Eventually, knowing I had to give into at least one of my urges, I encouraged him to roll onto his back again, then I slid under the covers, positioning myself between his legs. I licked and kissed the length of his cock before pulling him into my mouth. I could tell the moment he woke. He tensed, then reached down, sliding his hands into my hair.

“What are you doing?”

I looked up, letting his cock slide from my mouth. “I think you can figure it out.”

“But I didn’t… I thought you wouldn’t…”

I teased his head with my tongue and pushed it into the slit, eliciting a whimper. “You thought I wouldn’t want to suck your cock? I want to do everything to you. I love seeing you lose control.”

“I don’t think I’ve been in control of anything since I walked up to your car.”

“I paid you to use your phone, and I think you know I didn’t have to.”

He looked away and nodded slowly. “Like I told you, I’m not going to hurt you. You’re safe with me.”

He looked back at me then. “I know.”

Those soft words made me want to give him pleasure beyond anything he’d ever imagined. I took his cock back into my mouth and sucked until he cried out and I swallowed down his release.

“Breakfast?” I asked, licking my lips.

“What about… what about you? You didn’t…”

How had he survived on the streets when he didn’t even want to ask me if I’d come? “Maybe that was the breakfast I was referring to.”

He laughed. “Is it?”

“No. I have something special planned. I won’t say it’s better, but you’ll enjoy it.”

He smiled and his eyes held so much wonder it made me suck in my breath. “You keep surprising me.”

“Good. Let’s shower. You can take care of me in there.”



After our long luxurious shower, which resulted in another orgasm for me as well as one for Remington, he chose an outfit for me—black pants that hugged me perfectly and a soft, honest-to-God cashmere sweater in a shade of teal he said was just right for my eyes. He also offered me a buttery soft leather jacket since it was chilly, at least by New Orleans’s standards.

Tags: Silvia Violet The Theriot Family Romance