Page 16 of Four Real

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It’s true, though – I did want more. From all of them.

I wasn’t expecting to have physical reactions to the brothers – Cade, yes, but not the others. But I liked kissing them – all of them. Maybe too much.

It’s yet another sign that my body is so starved for physical affection that I’ll respond to any guy, whether I’m attracted to him or not.


A dream come true

We watch the rest of the Sherlock episode, but even though I was so into it before all of the kissing started, I have no idea how it concludes. I can still taste and feel the men on my lips, and my mind is busy imagining these proposed dates. If they kissed me now, that probably means there’ll be more kissing on the dates. Maybe a lot more, since I’ll be with them one-on-one.

It’s really late when I leave the Evans’s house. Once I’m in the car, I check my phone and find a text from Olivia asking how my date with Tom went. Was that really only earlier tonight? It already seems like it was long ago.

Not wanting to linger in the guys’ driveway, I wait until I make the short drive home to reply.

Me: Hi. Sorry, didn’t see your message earlier. Nothing good to report. He turned out to be a jerk.

Thanks to the Evans brothers, I believe that now. It wasn’t me. It was definitely him.

Olivia: I’m sorry to hear that. You’ll have to tell me about it next time I see you. And we’ll never go to that restaurant again.

Me: Agreed.

Olivia: There’s a new guy at the office next to my salon. Cute guy. Want me to set you up?

Me: He’s not your type?

Olivia: He doesn’t have that bad boy vibe I go for.

Me: Maybe, but please wait. Let me recover from tonight’s date.

I need to get some experience with the Evans brothers first. I consider telling Olivia about my new arrangement with the four men, because she’s one person I never keep secrets from, but it’s a lot to get into in a text message. Also, I’m not sure my friend will think it’s a good idea, or maybe she’d read too much into the situation and think there was romantic potential with the four brothers when there’s not.

Olivia: Let me know when you’re ready. I’ll try to keep the other single ladies at the salon from putting the moves on him. Joyce was eyeing him through the window the other day.

Me: Wait, how old is this guy?

I’ve seen Joyce. She’s at least fifty.

Olivia: He’s around our age. Joyce likes ‘em young.

Me: omg smh

As I’m finishing the conversation with Olivia, another new text comes in, this time from Cade. My first thought is to wonder if I left something at their house, because I never hear from the guys so soon after leaving.

Cade: I was thinking we may as well get started right away. Are you free tomorrow?

I’m filled with a confusing mixture of excitement and – not dread; maybe trepidation is the right word? I love spending time with Cade, but it’s hard to imagine how these fake dates are going to go. Are the men going to act like they’re interested in me in order to make the experiences seem real? Is there going to be more kissing, and maybe even … more than kissing?

Me: I’m free.

My hands are sweaty as I grip my phone tightly.

Cade: Good. Would you like to go out with me?

Me: You don’t need to be so formal.

This situation is just so strange. My stomach flutters with nervous energy, even as I know that this isn’t an invitation for a real date, however much I wish it were.

Cade: I’m going to take you out on a proper date, and I’m going to do it right.

I’m laughing as I respond.

Me: Okay, then I formally accept your invitation.

Cade: Great. I’ll contact you tomorrow with details.

It’s late – so late – and I should be exhausted, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to sleep at all.

I meet Cade at a restaurant in Whitman, a town fifteen miles from Four Points Island. He’s waiting in the lobby and I almost don’t recognize him. When we hang out, he’s usually wearing shorts or sweats and a faded t-shirt. Tonight, he’s in very well-fitting jeans and a pale teal button-down shirt. His skin looks even more tan than usual against the shirt’s soft color, and his brown eyes sparkle. He smiles at me, exposing a row of gleaming white teeth.

“Hi,” I say, a wave of shyness hitting me hard.

“Hi yourself.” Despite his special, cleaned-up appearance, Cade’s his usual friendly self and quickly puts me at ease. We sit, we order, we talk, and through it all I’m a hundred times more comfortable than I was on my date with Tom, except for persistent thoughts reminding me that Cade might kiss me again tonight. Every time I acknowledge that idea, a kaleidoscope of butterflies flutter through my insides.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic