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That breaks my heart. I rubbed my chest. I hurt for him. Do you think we could give him some power?

Chérie… Messing with that stuff? That’s what Luciana did and how we all got into this mess.

I kicked the dirt. It’s not fair.

I know, but our job is to be there for him. And we are. There will be someone for him.

There has to be.

There will be. He was quiet for a second. Come back. We’re having trouble getting any of the covens to take our calls.

That’s just perfect.


I started making my way back to the house, but I made a promise to myself. Once I was done saving the world for a second time, I was going to find a way to help Chris. He might be giving up, but I wasn’t.

The more shit happened, the more I realized that nothing in life was easy. It’d taken Dastien turning me and a bit of drama before we’d found our stride. If Cosette was his mate, then there’d be a solution. He just didn’t know it yet.


Shane was on the phone when I got inside. “I understand.”

“I mean really, Shane. What the hell do you expect?” The woman on the other line was whisper-yelling through the line.

“I know, but it wasn’t us. Luciana—”

“Is dead. And now what? Shit’s still going down and you’re coming to me for help. No way. What’s left of your coven is dead to us. I shouldn’t have even answered the phone. If anyone knew I was talking to you, they’d kick me out.”

“Come on, Ramona. You can’t hold us responsible for Luciana’s actions.” He was quiet. “Ramona?” He glanced at the screen. “She hung up on me.”

I sat back in my chair. “I take it finding another witch is going well?”

“Super well,” Shane said.

“Okay. So, maybe the Colorado coven?”

Claudia shook her head. “Cosette’s roommate didn’t answer. And Chris is the only one that’s had any luck getting in touch with Cosette. Maybe if he came back…”

“No.” There was no way I was asking Chris to get ahold of Cosette again. Not after what I knew. “I could try messaging her, but honestly, she’s made it clear that it was going to be a stretch to get herself and three other fey here before tonight. Asking for her to bring a witch, too? That feels like asking a lot.” I turned to River. “Anyone else from your coven willing to come?”

He shook his head. “Nah. The closest my coven likes to get to a fight is finding

power crystals and turning them into jewelry. I’m kind of the black sheep. The rest of them think I’m abusing my crystals when I use them offensively.”

Well that was a dead end. “Anyone else? Blaze? You’ve been around for a long time. You’re bound to have come across some witches.”

“Absolutely, but the ones I’ve reached out to are of the mind that the Seven caused this, and it’s now our job to fix it.”

That was fantastic. When this was over, I was going to have a serious talk with the witches.

Which witches are you talking about? Dastien asked.

All of them. Because they seriously needed to get their shit together. “Lucas? Don’t you have some witches in your coven?”

“Even if some of them were willing, I don’t think any could get here in time. Unless we can wait until tomorrow for the spell?”

Even him suggesting we wait made me anxious. “No. It’s gotta be tonight.” I got up and started pacing. I didn’t know enough witches to be of any help, but I had to come up with something. “Raphael? I hate to ask you to, but what do you think?”

Tags: Aileen Erin Alpha Girl Paranormal