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Ashley’s Santa hat.

Moving to the table, I bent down and picked it up from the floor. We’d both forgotten about it—it must have been knocked from the table the night before. I’d been so fucking wrapped up in her, that I’d only become aware of my surroundings when her phone started chiming.

I ran my fingers over the soft fur lining, thinking. I glanced at my watch, then at the hat, then with a growl I strode towards the lift and stabbed the button for the ground floor.

“Trafalgar Square, please,” I told the cab driver. She’d told me she stayed until the end of the carol service, then made her wish, and it was almost nine p.m. The carols would be long finished by now—I might not even get there in time before she left.

I had no idea what I was doing. This wasn’t me. I didn’t chase after women. Didn’t need to. But there was something compelling me to go to her, like nothing I’d ever felt before.

The cab sat at the back of a long line of traffic, that snaked along the road as far as I could see. Why were there so many people around? Didn’t they have homes to go to?

“Is there a back way you can take?” I leaned forward to speak to the driver, knowing his answer already.

“Nah, mate, sorry. This is the quickest way.” He shrugged, his eyes meeting mine in the rearview mirror, and I let out a frustrated breath.

“How far are we from Trafalgar Sqaure? Less than a mile from here, isn’t it?”

“Not that far. ‘Bout half a mile, give or take. You want to get out here?” He gave me a knowing look.

“Yes. Please.” I tapped my card to pay, and climbed out of the cab.

“Merry Christmas!” the driver called out after me, and I spun back around, lifting my hand in the air.

“Merry Christmas.”

My long strides turned into a jog, and my legs ate up the distance between us. Snow was falling, big, fat flakes, and I shielded my face with my arm to stop the flakes from going into my eyes.

Suddenly, I was there.

The square was quiet—a few clusters of people were still standing around, but the crowds that would have been there earlier had gone.

She wasn’t there.

I was too late.

I made my way to the huge Christmas tree that dominated the centre of the square.

Closing my eyes, I rubbed a defeated hand over my brow. The chances of her still being around had been low; I shouldn’t have been surprised.

Back home to my empty apartment, followed by another day at the office, tomorrow, then.

I opened my eyes.



As the carol service ended, the final strains of “Silent Night” dying away, I finished up the last of my hot chocolate and disposed of my cup. Sitting down on the steps that led up to the National Gallery, I waited for the crowds to disperse. Eventually, they’d gone, and I made my way to the tree to make my wish. I knew exactly what I wanted to wish for this year. A chance with the man I couldn’t get out of my head. Marcus.

I sighed, watching a couple stroll by with their arms around each other. If only he’d said yes to coming here with me. Then again, why would he? We’d only just met.

That powerful connection between us though…there was no denying it. So, I’d make my wish, and do everything in my power I could to make it come true.

I closed my eyes.

I wish for Marcus to be mine.

I opened my eyes.

Tags: Becca Steele London Suits Romance