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“I get a hot chocolate and go and listen to the carol singers in the square. Once they’ve finished and it’s less crowded, I make a wish on the Christmas tree.” I laughed. “It sounds ridiculous, but there’s something so magical about it.”

“What do you wish for?” His eyes were curious, interested.

“All sorts of things. Like last year, my mum was upset and missing my sister who emigrated to Australia, so I wished that she could spend this Christmas with her.” I leaned my head on his chest, and he pulled me closer. We’d gone from zero to sixty in the space of about an hour, yet I’d never felt so comfortable with anyone before, outside of my own family.

“And did your wish come true?” His low rumble vibrated through me.

“Yes. My parents are in Tasmania now, having the time of their lives going by the photos they’ve sent me. I know magic isn’t real, but if it was, Christmas is the one time of year when you can believe in it, right?”

He chuckled, his dark mood finally lifting. “I’ll take your word for it. Now, tell me, where do you work in this building? I’m assuming you work here?”

We spent the next hour learning about each other. Marcus kept an arm around me the entire time, constantly caressing me, sending tingles through my whole body. I never wanted the evening to end, but when the champagne was gone and my phone started chiming with messages, I realised our time was up.

“That’s Avery, my friend. Fiancée of my boss, too. Her and Ethan—that’s my boss—are driving me home on their way to the airport to fly to Switzerland for Christmas. I’d better go.”

“I’ll walk you back down,” he told me, getting to his feet in one smooth movement and pulling me up with him. He grasped my hand and kept hold of it the entire time, until we were standing on floor fifteen, outside my office doors.

“Well…um…” I shuffled my feet awkwardly, sadness filling me as our time together finally came to an end.

“I hope we meet again, Ashley. Until next time.” He bent to kiss my cheek, then turned to leave.

“Wait,” I said breathlessly, gripping his arm. “Look.” He followed the line of my finger to the mistletoe that was hanging over the doorway. “We have to kiss. It’s bad luck, otherwise.”

“Is that so?” A smirk crossed his face.

“I don’t make the rules,” I told him. Actually, I had no idea whether or not it was bad luck, but that was my story, and I was sticking to it.

He stepped closer to me again, pulling me into him so the full length of my body was pressed against his in the most delicious way. His hands tangled in my hair and his lips descended on mine.

Everything else ceased to exist as we kissed. He kissed me slowly, unhurriedly, as if he was savouring the feel of my lips against his. Sparks of awareness danced through me, and I never wanted the kiss to end.

All too soon, though, he pulled away. “You’d better go.”

“Do you want to come with me on Christmas Eve? To Trafalgar Square?” I blurted out the words quickly, before I lost my courage.

He looked at me, a sad smile on his face. “I’ll be working. Rain check?”

“Okay. See you soon, then.” My heart sank. I knew that in all likelihood he was going to say no, and we hardly knew each other as it was. But for one, tiny moment, I’d thought that maybe he felt the same magical feeling I did.

He lifted his hand in a wave, and disappeared around the corner, and was gone.

I was left alone.



Groaning, I rubbed my temples, a headache forming. I pressed Send, and the email with the attached contract winged its way through cyberspace to my associate in New York. Looking through my list of remaining tasks, I realised I was ahead of schedule, with all outstanding issues finally dealt with. I could make a start on the more mundane tasks I’d been putting off, then continue them the following day.

An image appeared in my mind. Ashley. The look on her face as she came, riding my cock, would be forever burned into my mind. Head thrown back, Santa hat on her head, my cock pounding in and out of her as she moaned in ecstasy, she was like some kind of X-rated version of a Christmas elf. There was something about her—something different to all other women. I wanted more. I needed more. Whatever the reason was, I couldn’t seem to get her out of my head.


Somehow, I managed to lose myself in my work. Until she appeared in my mind, again. Her sexy smile, those waves of blonde hair, that hot as fuck body, her sparkling personality… I glanced at my wristwatch to notice only fifteen minutes had passed. My concentration was shot to pieces—now I’d stared thinking about her, she was invading my thoughts in increased frequency.

Time to call it a day. Home for a dram or two of Scotch, and an early night, before coming back here Christmas morning to continue. I shut down my computer and called down to the security team to let them know I was leaving, and to call me a cab. Rising from my desk, I pulled on my thick overcoat and turned to leave.

I saw a flash of red out of the corner of my eye.

Tags: Becca Steele London Suits Romance