Page 50 of California Dreamin'

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I shift in his lap again, digging my nails into his scalp. I feel myself going all hot and trembling as I whisper, “Dean, what are you talking about?”

“About the fact that I was going to tell you this on my knees but as torturous as it feels right now,” he squeezes my waist again, “having you on my lap when I can’t do something about it, this is where you belong. On my lap. So this is where I’m going to tell you.”

“Tell me what?”

At last, he focuses on me instead of looking like he’s talking to himself. His thumbs dig into my belly and I have to bite my lip at the delicious ache they’re causing.

“That I’m making you my wife on the first day of your finals.”

I stop breathing for a second.

Did he say ‘making you my wife’ or am I…

Or am I hearing things?

I’m hearing things, aren’t I? I mean, it’s very possible that I might be because I’ve been wanting him to say that for what feels like ages now.

In reality, it’s only been three years.

Three years since I contrived that road trip from L.A. to New York. Three years since he accepted that he loves me too and we told my parents who thankfully—after a little bump in the road—gave their okay.

And three years since I told him that I wanted to marry him as soon as we reached California after our Christmas vacation. I told him that on day four, while driving back with the top down because winter doesn’t feel like winter around these parts. And California Dreamin’ blasting in the background—I gave in to his demands and switched from Lana to put on some vintage rock.

But he said no.

He said that he wanted me to finish college first. But he did comply on one thing. He did move me into his house as soon as we reached California. And he kept his promise and took me everywhere. He showed me all the things in L.A. and around it.

Not only that, for the past three years, he’s been coming with me to visit my family – our family – for all the holidays.

My dad still doesn’t like me living all the way on the west coast, so far away from everyone, but he’s gotten a little relaxed about it. Mostly because Dean is with me, and I’m with him. Which mean, I make sure he calls my mom every week no matter what.

They even visited us last year, Dad, Mom and Brendan.

Speaking of Brendan, he’s grown so much in the past three years. Like, he’s as tall as Dad and Dean. But that’s not the important part.

The important part is that he’s dating Rosie.

Yes, they’re dating!

Oh my God, I completely freaked out when Mom told me. They’ve been dating for a couple of years now. Ever since the Christmas three years ago.

Although, everyone only came to know about it last year. Apparently, there was a huge drama because Uncle Graham was mad and my dad was a little upset too because everything was happening in secret.

But thank God for my mom and Auntie Vi. Things are sorted. Even though, Uncle Graham has a tight leash on Rosie’s schedule and how often she talks to my brother on the phone since it’s all long distance right now.

All in all, I’m so very happy for my idiot brother and sweet Rose.

See? That road trip and that Christmas was magic.

But anyway, back to Dean. He never changed his answer about marrying me.

Not until now.

“Y—your wife?”

My arms are trembling around him and so is my body. I can’t seem to believe that he really said that.

“Yeah. I promised I would once you’re done with college,” he says, his eyes boring into mine, his arms tightening around me, keeping me balanced. “And that’s why you worked so hard, didn’t you?”


“For me.”

I nod. “For you.”

By working hard, he means that I’m on track to graduate a semester early. My finals start in a couple of weeks and today was going to be our last outing before that.

“So now it’s time to fulfill the promise.”

“But you said the first day of finals. I won’t be graduating then.”

He smiles. “Yeah, but I realized that I didn’t want to make her wait any longer. The girl who worked so hard for me.”

I watch him, watch his beautiful face, my body and breaths shaking.

“So I’m going to be your wife in two weeks,” I whisper slowly, the knowledge starting to sink into my bones like warm honey.

“Yeah.” He swallows. “I… I’m sorry I made you wait, Tiny. I’m sorry for all the things I put you through in the past. All the things that I still put you through. My work and the way I can’t express myself sometimes. I… But I promise I’ll do everything to make you happy. Anything and everything to keep you loving me.”

Tags: Saffron A. Kent Erotic