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"So we can play without worrying about consequences?"

It was becoming extremely hard to concentrate on what he was saying when his clever fingers were doing all sorts of wonderful things. "We most certainly... hhh!"

He laughed and placed his large, warm hands on either side of my butt and lightly kicked apart my legs. "Sweetheart, you ain't felt nothing yet."

He thrust into me, sliding deep and hard, and I groaned in pleasure. He stilled, and I closed my eyes, enjoying the connection of flesh, the pulse of warmth deep inside. I knew, like he knew, that this wasn't entirely wise. That it was dangerous to give in to pleasure when we were far from home, and far from safe. But danger is something of an aphrodisiac to a wolf, and I was a wolf who couldn't remember feeling any sort of pleasure in over a week. I needed this as badly as a vampire might have needed blood.

He began to move, stroking long and deep, and any lingering reluctance dissolved into intense pleasure. The rich, low-down ache grew, becoming a kaleidoscope of sensations that washed through every corner of my mind, the intensity of which increased sharply as Kade's tempo increased. All too soon the shuddering took hold as pleasure ripped through my body, my mind. I gasped, grabbing the bench for support, my cries of pleasure joining Kade's as his own orgasm hit.

When the tremors finally eased, he laughed softly and rested his forehead against my back "I think we both needed that."

I smiled. "I think we did."

He dropped a kiss on my shoulder, then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my back against his warm body. "Next time I promise to take more time."

I opened my mouth to reply, but in that moment, I heard it.

The faint scrape of nail against concrete.

We were no longer alone. I froze.

"What?" Kade asked immediately, his voice barely a whisper.

"Something's outside." I scrambled to the window, carefully peering out. Nothing moved in the yard. Nothing but sunlight danced in the shadows of the trees.

Yet something was out there. I was growing more and more certain of it.

I ducked past the window. "Check the back. I'll check the living room and side."

He left the room. I crept into the living room and peered out the windows. No creature crept across the lawn or hid in the nearby trees. I retreated to the bathroom.

And heard a familiar rumble.

It was one of the orsini. Against all the odds, it had tracked us here. I wondered how far behind human pursuit was.

I went to the bedroom and grabbed some clothes, but left the shoes. Not only because they didn't look as if they'd fit, but because I didn't really need them. My feet had thick soles thanks to the fact I only wore shoes when I had to, and I suspected Kade, as a horse-shifter, would be the same.

He was standing to the side of the window when I got to the kitchen, but looked around as I entered. "Nothing here."

I tossed some clothes at him, noting with amusement that his cock was still ready to play. Obviously, not a man easily deterred. "Did you ever see any of the creatures they had patrolling that place?"

He frowned. "I saw a hairy thing once. Looked like a warped bear."

"That's what's outside."

He put on the black pants and shirt I'd given him. They were tight - not indecently tight, but not that far from it. Rhoan was going to blow a fuse - especially if Kade remained in his current state.

"How many?" he asked.

"It seems to be by itself, but more will surely be on their way."

I put on the revolting floral shirt and black skirt I'd chosen for myself, but skipped the undies. Granny clothes I could handle, but granny knickers? No way.

I wrapped an old tie around my waist to keep the skirt up, then grabbed the phone and quickly dialed Jack's mobile number.

"Riley ?" he said immediately. "Is there a problem?"

"Yeah. They've discovered us and we have to run. How far away are you?"

Tags: Keri Arthur Riley Jenson Guardian Fantasy