Page 9 of More than Friends

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With his hand on my back, he lowers me onto the mattress, acting as though I will break. I love how careful Dean is with me. After seeing him up close, I have my concerns about the pain. Part of me is terrified, while the other part is excited to share this with my best friend. I hope this doesn’t ruin our friendship. Apart from my family, Dean means more to me than anyone.

He positions himself between my legs, and I suck in a deep breath, preparing myself for his size. After seeing him run through the halls at school naked, I knew going into this that Dean is well endowed. But this is my first time. The nerves come creeping back.

He plants soft kisses along my jaw, making his way to my mouth. “Are you still on birth control?”

“Yes,” I mutter.

“Good.” I feel the smile on his lips.

We had talked about this night for weeks. Despite his reputation as a manwhore on campus, Dean has only been with a few girls, all of which he used protection. He spends more time with me than anyone else. I know everything about Dean. And I want to experience my first time without any barriers between us.

I close my eyes and wait, hoping it will get better before it gets worse since I have no idea what to expect.

Dean runs his thumb along my jaw, forcing my eyes open. “Kitten, I’ll take it slow. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I trust you, Dean.”

He reaches between us, giving himself a few strokes, before he rubs the tip along my folds, coating his skin with my juices. My body sets on fire from the adrenaline that rushes through my veins.

Once Dean inches himself inside me, my mind goes blank and my body numb from the pain. I tilt my head to the side and shut my eyes but only until the hard part passes.

As promised, Dean moves slowly, the tension lessening with each movement. He fills me all the way, causing me to cry out. I dig my fingernails into his shoulders and bite down on my bottom lip, my body tingling from all the pleasure points Dean hits at once.

“You okay, Kitten?” He stills, awaiting my response.

“Never better,” I croak. “Keep going.”

He quickens his pace, my moans turning to screams. While still gentle, he’s rougher than before, but I encourage him to continue. As my body relaxes, working in a rh

ythmic motion along with his, Dean lifts my right leg over his shoulder, sliding deeper inside me.

Staring up at him, I bite my lip harder to take my mind off the pain. We fall into a rhythm, with my body relaxed and more intune to his. He sucks in a deep breath, his chest rising and falling with each groan that escapes his lips. I have never seen him so focused before, his eyes full of hunger and determination.

My muscles tighten around him, just as Dean picks up the pace. I come undone beneath him, detaching from reality. Chills shoot straight through my body, followed by a wave of heat that spreads from my cheeks to my toes.

After I come again, it’s not long before Dean collapses on top of me. He kisses my lips before rolling onto the mattress next to me. Neither of us can speak, still out of breath. I rest my head on his chest, and Dean hooks his arm around me. We do this normally, except we snuggle with our clothes on.

“How are you feeling?” He strokes my hair with his fingers.

“Different,” I joke.

“I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

“I got used to you,” I confess.

He sits up enough to cup my face in his big hand. “How about we take a shower together?”

“Good idea.” I smile. “We can have sex in there, too.”

He laughs. “You’re addicted already, huh?”

I nod. “Uh-huh.”

Dean helps me up from the bed. He grips my waist, hoists me over his shoulder, and carries me to the bathroom, smacking me on the ass. I squeal from the tremor that shoots down my leg.

The night has only begun, and it has been perfect. Dean was not lying when he said it would be special. We crossed a line tonight. So many feelings cloud my judgment, making it hard for me to distinguish between them.

Our first kiss was only the beginning. Sex was the start of something else, though I have no idea how to navigate the new aspect of our relationship. And how will Dean feel about us in the morning? Does this make me a puck bunny? The thought causes me to cringe.

Tags: Jillian Quinn Romance