Page 7 of More than Friends

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I should be happy about the situation. After pining for my best friend for what feels like an eternity, this is what I want. But I have my reservations about sex destroying our relationship. It had taken me long enough to get over our kiss. But I want her. I never stopped.

In one swift motion, I grab her by the hips and pull her onto my lap. She squeezes my legs between her thighs and stares down at me, licking her lips.

Starting at her hips, I run my hands down to her legs, feeling her soft skin. “Once we go down this path, there’s no turning back. We can’t hit the reset button.”

I should confess my feelings for her so that everything is out on the table, but I don’t want to ruin the moment. Kat asked me to do something for her that should be handled with care.

“Not in my room,” I tell her. “If this is what you want, we should plan it out. I want it to be special for you. Your first time shouldn’t be in the house I share with my teammates. Plus, your brothers are on the other side of this wall. Hell, we even share a bathroom. How will that look if they find us together?”

She beams with delight. “So, you’ll do it. I was so afraid to ask you.”

“Kitten, having sex for the first time is not a Band-Aid you have to rip off. If you only want this because you think it’s the right thing to do, then you are doing it for the wrong reason.”

She pushes her hair behind her ears, sitting up just enough to give me a perfect view of her tight body. With her full breasts popping out of a fitted blue top, I had trouble focusing on the movie, but now, I can’t even think straight.

“You have more experience than me and know what you’re doing. I want you to take my virginity, Dean. It should be you.”

“You have no idea how much I love hearing that, Kitten.” I slide my hands beneath her shirt and lower her onto my chest. “But I’m afraid of what will happen if we cross that line.”

“I will still be me, and you will still be my best friend. Nothing will change between us. We kissed and sort of made out last year. It’s not like we haven’t been with each other in some sense before.”

“I don’t think you get what I am trying to say.”

“I do, Dean, trust me, I get it. You are looking out for me and want me to have this magical experience. It will be. That’s why I asked you.”

“Not tonight, okay? I’m serious about this being planned out.” I close my eyes and sigh, hating myself.

Tucker and Theo would kill me if they knew I was even considering taking Kat’s virginity. The complexity of this situation has me so conflicted. Can my heart survive this? I barely made it through last year. I dreamed of this moment for so long, and now that it’s here, I don’t feel worthy of her.

Kat presses her lips to mine, forcing my eyes open for a few seconds, before I close them again, allowing myself to get lost in her. Kissing my best friend shouldn’t feel this good. But it does.

I devour her, my kisses hungry and passionate, the two of us sinking so far into each other that neither of us wants to come up for air. The more I kiss her, the more I feel myself falling for her, hard and fast as our bodies fuse together. I’ve never had this kind of connection with anyone.

With each kiss, I grow harder, tenting my track pants to the point I am in physical pain from the pressure building. I don’t want her like this. Kat is wholesome, in a girl-next-door kind of

way. But not now, not when she’s tearing at my clothes, begging me to take her right here in my bedroom.

My hand slips beneath her top once more, and I get even harder when I discover she’s not wearing a bra, granting me easier access. Massaging her full, perky tits, I peel my lips from hers and stare into her eyes. She is so fucking beautiful, so pure and unlike the puck bunnies that throw themselves at me on campus.

I push her shirt up further to expose her skin to the cold air, and her nipples grow harder beneath the pad of my thumb. She hisses, biting down on her bottom lip, as I roll my tongue gently over the swollen bud.

Threading her fingers through my hair, Kat moans my name, causing me to work faster. Every groan of pleasure from her lips sends me over the edge. I have waited far too long for this moment.

But what happens after we have sex? Will she look at me the same? Am I just someone to help her feel more confident for other men?

I never talk about women with Kat, and she never mentions any men on campus. She knows of the girls, but I never go into explicit detail, so I can save her the pain of what I go through pretending not to be in love with her.

She purrs my name. Good, Kitten.

I bring her lips to mine and slip my tongue into her mouth, dividing and conquering her body, as my hands wander her skin. Not until I hear the door slam in the Jack and Jill bathroom I share with Theo and Tucker do I realize my door is probably open.

“Fuck.” Without meaning to manhandle Kat, I throw her onto the other side of me, just in case the twins come barging in on us.

Kat pulls down her shirt and fixes her hair and clothes. “That was a close call.”

I point at the bathroom door on the right side of my bedroom. “If we went any further, your brothers would have ruined your first time. This is why I want to do it the right way. We can get a hotel room or something off campus. Anywhere but here.”

She rolls onto her side, facing me, and sinks her elbow into the stack of pillows behind her. “Thank you, Dean. There’s no else I would rather share this with than you.”

Tags: Jillian Quinn Romance