Page 22 of Ethan (Face-Off 5)

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Mia glances at Will and does something that resembles a curtsey, tugging at the edges of her skirt as she smiles. “I clean up good, huh?”

Will moves toward her and studies her clothes. “Well, I’m not thrilled about the length of your skirt or the low-cut top, but they have a dress code at The Sixth Floor. They would never let you in wearing jeans and boots. Stay close to Ethan and me. I don’t want anyone near you. Okay?”

She nods. “You have nothing to worry about.”

But he does.

He just doesn’t know it yet.

“Don’t drink too much,” Will says. “No dancing with any guys.”

Mia rolls her eyes at him. “Yes, Dad. Anything else? Do you want to check my homework before we go out?”

I laugh, but Will doesn’t find it funny. He shoots me a pained look, and then his gaze falls back to Mia. “I’m serious.”

“Yeah, whatever, Will. This was yo

ur idea, not mine. I’ll just dance with Ethan then if you’re going to be such a buzz kill.”

Will pulls his phone from his pocket, tapping on the keys at a feverish pace. “Yeah, stick with Ethan.”

Am I violating my best friend’s trust? I haven’t done anything wrong. Yet. But I know I will.

How can I stop myself when Mia licks her lips at me or flips her blonde strands over her shoulder, giving me come-fuck-me eyes. She’s a fucking temptress, and she knows it.

“Uber will be here in five minutes,” Will says before heading into the kitchen. “We need to get a good buzz going before we get to the club. Do you have anything other than this old bottle of vodka?” He digs through Mia’s freezer and holds up the almost empty bottle. “Any chance you have some Jack around here?”

“No.” Mia moves her hands to her hips and frowns. “You can take it or leave it. And I expect you to replace whatever you drink. That’s all I have left.”

Mia glances at me before following behind Will, and I trail behind her, taking in the sight of her body. Her ass. Those legs. I’m so fucking screwed.

One month.

I can do this.

Deep breaths.

Even I don’t believe myself. Why would Will?

No one has ever looked more out of place in a club than Mia Roman. She glances up at the ceiling, memorizing every detail of the room as the cocktail waitress leads us upstairs to the VIP section Will reserved for us. He chats up the waitress, while I keep Mia entertained and at my side.

My hand grazes her ass when I have to pull her closer to make room for a drunken couple to pass us on the stairs. She jumps, looking startled, until she realizes it was me touching her and not some random dude.

Luckily, Will is busy with the blonde bombshell leading us to the VIP section, too busy staring at her huge rack. So, I keep my hand on Mia’s ass for a few seconds longer to see if she’ll tell me to stop. She tips her head toward Will, and I nod. If anyone is aware of how close Will is, it’s me.

Once we reach the VIP area, I sit on the couch next to Mia. Will gives the waitress our drink orders. With our first playoff game only a few days away, I’m sticking to water. So is Will. This night is for Mia. She needs to loosen up and have fun for once in her life.

“I can see why you insisted on dressing me,” Mia says. “This place is nice. I wouldn’t have fit in with my normal clothes.”

I nod. “But I’m sure the bouncer would have let you in because you’re with us. At least now you look the part.”

“As what? One of your puck bunnies.” She rolls her eyes and makes a gagging sound. “People probably think I’m fucking you and Will. Gross.”

“Let them think what they want. And for the record, fucking me would not be gross. Far from it.”

She laughs. “I don’t know about that.”

Before I get the chance to respond, Will plops down on the other side of Mia and slides his arm across the back of her neck. “What do you think, baby sis? Not so bad, right?”

Tags: Jillian Quinn Face-Off Romance