Page 21 of Ethan (Face-Off 5)

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I lean into his touch and sigh. “Stop torturing me, Ethan.”

“I think I’m torturing myself more than you,” he says under his breath.

“Are you ready?” Will says from the doorway.

When I step back, Ethan removes his hand from my face and shoves it into his jeans pocket. Pretending around Will is hard for both of us. I have no idea how to handle the sexual tension that burns like a lit match with Ethan. My brother senses it. He’s not stupid. Despite our attempts to conceal the truth, my brother will eventually walk in at the wrong moment and kill us both.

I turn my back to Ethan and sift through my closet, dragging the hangers along the metal bar. “Give me a few minutes. Okay?”

“You don’t have anything to wear,” Ethan points out. “Let me call my girl at Boyds. What size do you wear?”

I glance at him over my shoulder. “None of your business.”

His eyes rake over my body. “Size two?” He stops when he reaches my breasts and takes in the size of them. I almost laugh at his comment. There’s no way in hell my curvy ass is fitting into a size two.

“We don’t have time to fuck around in department stores,” Will says, throwing his hands on his hips, his jaw set in irritation. “Find something to wear and let’s go. We’re going to a club, not a wedding. No one will care what you have on as long as it’s passable to get in the front door.”

This time, Ethan doesn’t bother to argue. He keeps his mouth shut and follows Will out of my bedroom. I close the door behind them and lean against it.

With Ethan out of my sight, I can finally breathe. For now.

Chapter Ten


After we leave Mia in her room to get dressed, I follow Will into the living room. He kicks back on the couch across from me, shooting daggers in my direction.

Fuck, how much did he see and hear? I lose my head when I’m around Mia. Despite my feelings for her, I can’t lose my best friend over unresolved issues from the past.

We hold each other’s gaze for a few seconds before I lean back against the couch. I cough to clear the lump forming at the back of my throat.

Will studies my face as he reaches for the television remote on the coffee table between us. “What were you doing with my sister?”

“I was only trying to help her get ready.”

Will clicks on the television and flips through the channels, shaking his head. “That’s not what it looked like to me. Do you like Mia? You know, you can tell me if you do.”

Yeah, right. The second I say I do I’ll catch a fist to the jaw. I know firsthand just how dirty Will plays on and off the ice. And I would deserve every single punch for the thoughts I’ve had about his sister.

“No,” I lie. “I don’t like Mia. Not like that. She’s too proud to admit she needs help from us, and she has nothing decent to wear. I offered to have my girl at Boyds pick something out for her. It wasn’t a big deal. Don’t read into it.”

“Sorry, man. I didn’t mean to jump down your throat. Thanks for helping Mia out. She won’t take anything from me.” He blows out a puff of air and drops the remote onto the coffee table in front of us. Will folds his arms over his chest and leans back with his eyes focused on the flat screen. “You ready for next week’s game?” Will asks without looking away from the television. “We barely made it into the playoffs this year.”

I nod in agreement. “If Kane didn’t score in overtime, we would’ve been out.”

Tyler Kane is our team captain for a reason. He’s hands-down the best center in the league and one of the smartest offensive players I’ve ever known. His ability to lead our team from barely winning games to making the playoffs is a big deal. That’s why Mia and her friend interviewed us earlier today.

“How do I look?” Mia walks into the room, snapping me back to reality. My mouth falls open as I take in the sight of all of her curves on display for me. “Do I pass as ‘club appropriate,’” she says, using air quotes, “or am I still underdressed?”

A silly expression crosses her face, one that makes me smile. I can’t take my eyes off her. She’s beautiful, a complete fucking knockout. And still my best friend’s younger sister. So, there’s that.

Despite her hatred of the gym, her legs are surprisingly toned, and the tight leather skirt that rides up her thighs shows off every curve. She hates to work out or do anything that resembles exercise, but by the look of her body, I find that hard to believe. My gaze travels up the length of her delicious body as I take in the strapless gold top that’s practically plastered to her big tits. Her cleavage is popping out from the top, which is another surprise. She’s even wearing heels. Not flats or boots. She ditched her usual attire.

What happened to her mom jeans and sweaters? Damn, she looks good. But she would look good in anything—even the mom jeans. Where has she been hiding this outfit?

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from making any obscene facial gestures. Will notices every movement I make around Mia. Right now, my dick is getting hard just thinking about burying my face between her legs. And her tits. Fuck.

“See, I knew you had something in that closet.” Will turns off the television and pushes himself up from the couch.

Tags: Jillian Quinn Face-Off Romance