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“You don’t like being in the Order, do you?” I pick up my toast and take a bite.

“I don’t like being told what to do.”

“I can tell…though I am curious.”


Now it’s my turn to flash him a cocky grin. “What would you do if I told you to sit back and unzip your pants?”

“Anora, right?”

I’m in the waiting area of my favorite Mexican restaurant, picking up a lunch order for the clinic staff. Turning, I see Marcus, one of Harrison’s co-workers.

“Right. Hi.”

“I’m Marcus, I work with your brother.”

“I remember,” I say with a smile. “How are you?”

“Good. And you?”

“Good too. Picking up lunch for work.”

“Are you a nurse?”

“No, a vet tech.”

Marcus nods. “That’s probably why you have cats on your scrub top, right?”

“Right,” I say as the hostess returns with two large paper bags full of food. “I better get this back before the tacos get cold. It was nice seeing you.”

“Yeah, you too.”

“Tell Harrison I said hi,” I say as I head out the door, dashing through the misty rain to my car. It’s one PM and I still have five hours of my twelve-hour shift left. I’ve been texting Ethan when I can throughout the day and cannot wait to see him again. He’s back at home, helping Julia research the bird-demon thing I saw, which isn’t much to go on, I know.

I’m sitting in the break room, scooping up the last of my rice and beans with a chip when Harrison texts me.

Harrison: Are you still interested in Marcus?

Me: No, why?

Harrison: He said he ran into you today and wants your number.

Me: Did you give it to him?

Harrison: Not without asking you first. Do you want me to?

Me: Thanks, and no. I’m seeing someone.

Harrison sends two laughing emojis.

Me: I really am! Remember Ethan from the diner the night you picked me up?

Harrison: You’re not joking?

Me: Nope. I left him in my bed this morning so I could go to work.

Harrison: Gross, Annie.

Now it’s my turn to send laughing emojis.

Harrison: You’re feeling better?

It takes me a second to remember I’d told him I was sick and not at work yesterday.

Me: Much better.

I put my phone down and finish lunch. We have a busy afternoon of back-to-back appointments today, and I still need to talk to Tammy about taking all of next week off. There’s an “aggreeance spell” in the Book of Shadows, and I snapped a photo of it before I rushed out the door for work. I’m not sure what realm of right or wrong this falls into, but I’m taking a week off work so I don’t get attacked by demons and so I don’t attract said demons to my place of work, putting others in danger.

About an hour later, I get a small break between appointments and find Tammy in her office. Next week’s schedule is on the desk in front of her, and it’s totally blank.


“Hey,” I start, knocking on the door frame.

“Oh, hey, Anora. What’s up?”

“I know this is short notice, but is there any way I could take a week of my vacation next week? One of my cousins surprised us by coming into town and I hardly ever get to see her.” The lie rolls off my tongue easily, yet I’m instantly afraid Tammy is going to drill me for info on this cousin I can’t give her because it’s all a lie.

“Yeah, that should work. Rachel just moved her vacation from next week to next month and I was trying to figure out how to put her back in the schedule. This is perfect.”

“Seriously?” I blurt.

Tammy laughs. “Doesn’t usually work out this way, does it?”

“Not at all.”

“So, I’ll get you back on not this Tuesday, but the next one?”

“Yeah, that’ll work.”

“Great. See you at six AM next, next Tuesday.”

I get back to work, assisting with spaying a cat and then several more appointments before I finally clock out and head home. I have a missed call from Dad and call him back as I drive.

“Hey, kiddo,” he answers.

“Hey, Dad. I was at work when you called.”

“I figured as much. Your brother is going to stop by to pick something up and is staying for dinner. Do you want to come over? I’m making your favorite enchiladas.”

“Thanks Dad, but, I—” Shit. I can’t say I’m not feeling well because I told Harrison I’m better. “I, um, I have plans with Laney tonight.”

“Oh, okay. Have fun. We’ll have a formal family dinner next week then when your mother is home.”

“Sounds good. Love you, Dad.”

“Love you too, sweetie. Take care.”

I end the call and turn up my favorite female eighties rock playlist, singing along to Joan Jett as I drive home. Ethan isn’t there, and I’m a little nervous when I park in my single-car unattached garage. I get out of my car and apprehensively look around, heart in my throat. I hike my purse up over my shoulder and hurry out of the garage, pausing when I get to the back patio. That same you’re being watched feeling starts to press down on me, but this time, I’m not scared.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Grim Gate Paranormal