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“How much time?”

“Two weeks. I can see if I can get next week off…just to be safe. Or I could quit.”

“That’d be nice, right?” His lips go to the back of my neck, making it harder to find the motivation to get out of bed.

“I don’t think I told you,” I start, arching my back so my ass presses against his cock. “I didn’t, because it’s not something I’m going to go around telling people. My aunt left me a lot of money too. I don’t need to work, and if I continue with her investments or whatever, I’ll keep making interest. Or something like that. It’s all confusing to me.”

“Then quit your job and stay in bed with me.” His hand goes to my thigh. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

Oh, he will. I blink my eyes open, praying for the willpower to get my ass out of bed. “If I did quit, I’d give notice. I like my job.”

“No one likes their job enough to do it when they don’t have to. Trust me.”

“I did always say my ideal job was getting paid to do nothing.”

Ethan pushes up on his elbow and brushes my hair back. “Given who you are, it might be hard to hold a job with regular hours. Demons don’t keep to schedules.”

“You’re right.” I trail my finger up his arm, following a line of one of his tattoos. “You said you had a job in Chicago, right?”

“I did, and was put on probation by the Order for it.”

“For having a job?”

“The Order doesn’t like hunters doing their own thing,” he says ruefully. “My entire family was almost excommunicated when I went to college.”

“What?” I say, though I heard him loud and clear. “Why wouldn’t they want you to go to college?”

“Because getting a degree in biology has nothing to do with protecting human life.” He rolls his eyes. “Since modern medicine has nothing to do with saving lives or anything.”

“You have a degree in biology?”

“I do, and that’s also why I had to get a job. The Order wouldn’t pay me while I defied their orders and wasted my talents.”

There’s a lot to unpack here, and I don’t have much time before work. “So, the Order is like an organization? I thought maybe you guys were, uh, more like a club that got together and shared demon stories and hunting tips.”

“They’re very organized, with ranks and offices and all that shit. The head of the Order supposedly lives in Rome and works close with the guy who’s a step down from the Pope, whatever his title is.”

“Oh, wow. And they pay you?”

“Yep. I used to think it was doing us a favor, letting us earn a living by hunting demons, but now I see it as more of a way to trap you in. Most Order members can’t really go out and get a regular job by putting former demon hunter on a resume.”

“That makes sense. And they sound like old-fashioned dicks.”

“That sums them up perfectly. And as much as I hate saying this, you need to get up and get ready for work.”

“Ugh. I know.”

“I can make you breakfast. What do you want?”

“As far as traditional breakfast food, I have stuff for eggs, toast, and coffee. I usually don’t have time to cook.”

He flashes a cocky grin. “Good thing I’m here. Now get up.”

“Fine,” I groan and stretch out, knowing it’s going to hurt to peel myself away from Ethan. But I have to pee, and I fell asleep without taking my makeup off again last night, and I know my mascara is smeared under my eyes.

Knowing Ethan is watching, I get out of bed without grabbing a sheet to cover myself and walk into the bathroom. I take a super-fast shower, pull my hair back into a French braid, and put on a minimal amount of makeup, hiding the dark circles under my eyes.

Dressed in scrubs, I go into the kitchen, finding Ethan at the stove. He redressed in the clothes he had on yesterday, and he turns the burner off right as I walk in.

“Perfect timing,” he says and takes the frying pan over to the table, dishing up scrambled eggs on two plates next to pieces of buttered toast. Fresh coffee is in the pot as well. A girl can get used to this. Ethan let Hunter out as well, and filled his bowl with too much kibble, which of course, Hunter is happy about.

“Thanks for making breakfast,” I tell Ethan and pour myself a half cup of coffee with way too much creamer. “I feel spoiled now.”

“I like to cook,” Ethan tells me, taking a seat at the table. “Which is something else I don’t get to do much because of the Order. We’re on the move a lot and I’ve spent more nights at cheap hotels than I care to count.”

Tags: Emily Goodwin Grim Gate Paranormal