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“I don’t know why you didn’t just stay at our place,” Arabella stated.

Her father looked between us and winced, but thankfully, Diana answered for him. “We prefer the hotel. Besides, we need our privacy,” she murmured.

Arabella cringed. “Ew, Mom.”

Their Uber pulled up, and her parents were still laughing when the door closed. Ours was right behind, and by the time we pulled up to the house, my hands were sweating and shaking.

Arabella had plans—big plans—and I was worried my surprise tonight would possibly put a kink in them.

God, what if she said no.

With a deep breath, I closed my eyes and opened the door.

She gasped, her hands shooting to her mouth as she took in the flickering candles and rose petals all over the foyer. She stepped over the threshold, and somehow my trembling legs followed her into the living room that mirrored the foyer décor.

“Willem,” she breathed, spinning to take it all in.

Her eyes bounced between the candles and me, a mix of excitement, love, and a hint of panic. I knew what she thought, and I just hoped she didn’t kill me when she realized it wasn’t that.

“I love your wild spirit,” I started. “I love your adventure and freedom. I love that you have plans. I love that you took the future ahead of you and twisted them to fit your plans. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

I closed the gap and held her hands in mine. “I know your hotels and tickets are booked, but I was hoping I could convince you to maybe shift for me.”

She’d graduated with a bachelor’s in marketing and international affairs. But long before graduation, she’d taken every study-abroad class she could and turned her love of travel into an online agency that planned trips for others. She also stumbled upon a love of writing, and travel blogs and magazines emailed her daily.

My girl had goals, and I hoped tonight didn’t make her feel like I wanted to squash them. I just wanted to be part of them too.

But doubt crept it when her brows furrowed, and her hands tensed in mine. I slid my thumbs over the smooth skin, reassuring her.

Inhaling as far as I could, I stretched the band of nerves threatening to crush my lungs and looked her up and down. She was stunning with her dark, coppery hair illuminated by the flames, laying down her back, stark against the fitted white dress I’d done nothing but imagine pulling off. Standing there, an image of her in a much more formal white dress flashed, and one thought crossed my mind.

Someday. Someday, Arabella would be my wife.

But not today.

“I’m not teaching classes for the next few semesters. At least, not in-person classes. I signed up to take charge of the online portion classes and will be shaping that program over the next year.”


If anything, she looked more confused, and I leaned down to kiss the lines between her brows. “I also booked a one-way ticket to go with you on your travels…if you’ll have me.”

“What?” she practically screeched.

Her eyes stretched wide, and I held my breath, waiting for a reaction beyond shock. The point-two seconds of waiting could have been an eternity of standing on the edge of a cliff, unsure if I’d fall to the side with a net or free-fall into nothing.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” She did screech that time.


Tears filled her eyes, and I imagined all the possibilities but one, pessimism at its best.

“Yes!” she finally shouted. “A thousand times, yes.”

“Oh, thank fuck,” I sighed, almost collapsing in relief.

“Did you really think I’d say no?”

“I just know how you like your independence, and we’ve only done short trips together. I honestly wasn’t sure. College is over, and your life stretches like an open canvas ready for you to paint it. Anything can happen—anything can change.”

“Willem…” She studied me and dropped my hands only to wrap them around my neck and burrow them in my hair to pull my mouth to hers. I relished in the reassurance her lips offered, fed from her confidence when mine somehow vanished. “I love you.”

God, I’d never tire of hearing her say it. “I love you, too.”

“If life is a canvas to be painted, then I want you to paint it with me. Who knows what it will turn out to be, but as long as you’re with me, then it will be perfect.”


“Hell, yes,” she shouted.

Her mouth crashed to mine, only to jerk back so she could jump in excitement. If there was one thing I learned around Arabella, it was to always be prepared, so I was ready when she jumped in my arms—but I still let her topple us to the couch.

Her dress rode up, and I drug my hands up her toned thighs, groaning at finally feeling her under my touch.

Tags: Fiona Cole Erotic