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Whoa, now that has my attention. “What the hell does she mean giving you shit about not wanting to sleep with him?” I ask, cutting Lexi off. “Don’t tell me that asshole is giving you a hard time because you’re not jumping into bed with him as quick as he wants.”

Georgia’s cheeks turn a light shade of pink and she opens her mouth to say something, but before she can get a word out, Lexi speaks first. “Yes, that’s exactly what’s happening, and now, he’s refusing to hang out with the two most important people in her life.”

Georgia opens her mouth again, but Lexi continues. “This is not happening, Georgia, I mean—”

“Stop!” Georgia yells, and Lexi’s mouth closes quickly in shock. “If you would let me speak, then you would know I agree, which is why I just ended things with him.”

“You did?” Lexi asks, sitting on the bed next to her sister.

“Yes, through a text.” Georgia shrugs. “Then I blocked him because you know I hate confrontation.”

Lexi laughs and hugs her sister. “I’m so proud of you. The right guy for you is out there, I just know it.”

“Yeah, maybe.” Georgia’s voice cracks, telling me even though she’s trying to appear nonchalant she’s upset. “For now, I think I’ll just focus on school.”

Lexi’s lips twist into a grimace. “Don’t let one dumbass ruin all men for you.”

“I won’t,” Georgia argues, but we can all hear the lie in her words. She put herself out there for the first time and the guy was a dick. For most women, that wouldn’t be a big deal, but Georgia isn’t most women, and it will take time for her to put herself back out there.

“Okay,” Lexi says. “I know you’re studying, but how about taking a little break and coming out to dinner with us? We can skip the movie.”

Georgia is already shaking her head before Lexi can even finish her sentence. “I really do need to study. I promise another time.”

“Okay,” Lexi repeats, clearly at a loss as to what to do.

We exit Georgia’s room and Lexi says, “I don’t want to leave her.”

“Of course not,” I agree. “We can order in and get her favorite and then drag her out here to watch a movie with us.”

Lexi wraps her arms around my neck. “Thank you, Alec. That asswipe Robert needs to take some lessons on how to be a boyfriend from you.”

“But I’m not a boyfriend,” I say, holding up her hand. “I’m a fiancé.”

“And the best one ever.”


“Yay!” Mom shrieks. “So, we have a date? You’re sure?”

“Yes,” I tell her, taking a sip of my coffee. “That’s the date. It’s before fall semester starts, after Micaela and Ryan’s anniversary, and the surfing comp will be over. Alec already put in for that weekend and the following week. He’s insisting we go on a honeymoon, but he won’t tell me where. He says it’s a surprise.”

“We have less than two months,” Mila says, scrolling through the calendar on her phone. “It’s not a whole lot of time, but we can do this. We’re going to need a venue—”

“We’re thinking Micaela’s parents’ beach house in Venice,” I tell them. “I love the beach and they have a private one. It’s free and simple…”

“Sweetie,” Mom says, putting her hand on mine. “You only get married once.” She flinches at her own words, but quickly recovers, smiling extra hard. “You want to make sure your wedding is what you want. Your dad and I are paying for it, so please don’t go with what’s free and simple.”

As if I didn’t think I could love my parents any more… “I know that, and I appreciate it, but you know me, and I like simple. If you have this dire need to spend money, make a donation to a cause for the arts. All I need is Alec and me standing in front of someone who can legally marry us. I love him and just want to become his wife.”

Mom and Mila both sigh.

“Okay, fine,” Mom agrees. “But how about a hotel on the beach instead, so we can have a reception there? The beach house won’t fit everyone.”

Knowing this is important to her, I agree. “All right, just promise me you’ll keep it simple,” I say, standing.

“Where are you going?” she asks.


“Don’t you usually go at the crack of dawn?”

“Yeah, but since Jason keyed my car and my tires were slashed, Alec made me promise to only go when it’s daylight out. When he’s off, he gets up early with me and watches me surf.”

When we told our parents about Jason, my dad and Mason were damn close to going after him, but since nobody seems to know his last name—which is kind of weird—and he’s been MIA from the beach, they wouldn’t even know how to find him. So, my dad called the station to ask about my jeep and was told there are no cameras in our complex or in the parking lot at the beach, and with no eyewitnesses, there isn’t much they can do.

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance