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“Is this how you’re going to wake me up every morning when you get home from work?” she asks, her breathing labored. “Because if it is, you going to work won’t be half bad after all.” She giggles, and if I hadn’t just drained myself into her thirty seconds ago, the sound would have me hard and ready to go.

I pull out of her and flip her onto her back, climbing over her. “Oh yeah?” I drop my hands onto the bed on either side of her. “So, you’re willing to go twenty-four hours without seeing me, if it means I fuck you?” I part her legs and she wraps them around my waist, pulling my hips toward her. My dick is already hardening, and I enter her again.

“Jesus, Lex,” I groan, my hard length pushing into her cum-filled pussy. “I missed you so fucking much.” I give her a chaste kiss then pull back slightly. “I could live right here, in you, for the rest of my life.”

“I’m completely okay with that,” she says, grabbing ahold of my neck and pulling my face to hers. “How about you show me exactly how much you missed me?” Her mouth crashes against mine, and her tongue delves between my parted lips. She holds me close to her, kissing me, while I make love to her again, showing her exactly how much I missed her.

“What do you mean Robert doesn’t want to go on a double date?” Lexi slowly asks her sister. “Like he can’t because he has to work?”

“No.” Georgia shakes her head, the expression on her face filled with embarrassment. “He didn’t like the way Alec and Chase crashed our double date before.” She rolls her eyes then glances my way. “I’m sorry. He’s been stressed about some case at work and I don’t want to add to that.”

I can tell Lexi is fuming, but she’s holding back, not wanting to get into an argument with her sister. I figure it’s best to say something before Lexi does. “It’s okay, Georgia. Give it some time. Maybe we can all get together at your parents’ place for a barbeque and he can get to know me in a neutral setting.” He was supposed to come to the barbecue the night Lexi and I told our family we were together, and then again, the day I proposed, but he bailed both times, saying he had to work. I’m definitely seeing a pattern here, and if it continues, Robert and I will need to have a chat.

Georgia exhales a deep breath. “That would be good. I’m going to study for my exams. First half of summer classes are almost over.”

“But what about going out?” Lexi’s bottom lip juts out in disappointment.

“I really need to study,” Georgia says.

“Seriously, Georgia?” Lexi asks, her tone now annoyed.

“I have to study,” Georgia argues.

“If Robert had said yes to going out you wouldn’t be using that excuse.”

“Maybe not, but that doesn’t mean it’s not true. I really do need to study. Just go out with Alec and have a good time. I promise we’ll go out soon.”

Before Lexi can argue further, Georgia retreats to her room.

“She’s going back into her shell,” she says once Georgia is in her room with the door closed. “Robert was supposed to help her break out of it. Now, because of his stuck-up ass, she’s sinking back in.”

“Just give it some time,” I tell her, trying to remain neutral. One thing I’ve learned over the years is not to get in the middle of Lexi and Georgia’s shit. They’ll argue and make up quick enough to give you whiplash.

Lexi glares. “She’s my sister. I’m not giving it time. If her boyfriend doesn’t want to be around her best friend and sister, then we have a problem.”

She stomps to Georgia’s room. I stay where I am, unsure of what I’m supposed to do. Thank God I’m a man. Men don’t have these issues.

“Alec,” she hisses. “C’mon.” Okay then… Guess I’m part of this.

She swings the door open and Georgia looks up from her books that are spread across her bed. I stay back, trying to camouflage myself against the wall, still not wanting to get in the middle of this.

“I’m your sister,” Lexi says. “And he”—she points to me—“is your best friend.” So much for camouflaging myself. “If Robert doesn’t want to double date with us, then fuck him!”

Georgia’s eyes go wide in shock. As much of a spitfire as Lexi is, she always handles her sister with kid gloves. No matter how many times I’ve seen them disagree, Lexi has never yelled at her sister.

“I’m serious, Georgia,” Lexi says. “So far, I’ve seen him talk shit about what you choose to eat, not show up to any of our family functions, give you shit about you not wanting to sleep with him, and—”

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance