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I shoot him the finger, which only makes him laugh.

“Of course you have our blessing to marry Lexi,” Charlie says, ignoring Mason. “And I think it’s so sweet you came to ask her father for permission.”

“Oh, yeah,” Tristan adds sardonically. “Really fucking sweet.”

“Oh, stop,” Charlie says, slapping his chest. “Alec is a good man, with his life together.”

“Thanks,” I tell her, still waiting for Tristan to give his approval.

“When are you planning to ask her?” Tristan asks.

“Soon,” I admit truthfully. “I don’t want to wait. Life is too uncertain.”

“Are you doing this because of your dad’s death?” Tristan asks. “Because I get how something like that can rock your entire world, but if you’re wanting to marry Lexi because you think life is short and you want to seize the day and all that shit, you need to consider there’s a chance she’ll live to be a hundred. Are you sure you can handle her for the next eighty years?”

“Umm…” I begin, unsure how the hell to answer him. I think there might be a joke mixed in there somewhere, but I can’t say for sure. “I’m okay with handling Lexi for the next eighty years.”

Mason snorts out a laugh, which has me replaying the words I just said in my head. “That came out wrong,” I say, trying to backtrack. “Nobody can handle Lexi.”

Mason laughs again, and this time Charlie joins in.

Fuck, this is all coming out wrong. “What I mean is, I love Lexi and I just want to spend the rest of my life with her, however long that is.”

Tristan finally smiles. “You’re right, nobody can handle Lexi, and the fact that you know that and still want to marry her speaks volumes. You have my blessing.” He extends his hand and I meet him halfway shaking it. “Besides, you marrying her means she’s no longer my problem.” He shrugs. “It’s the husband’s job to take care of his wife… emotionally, financially…”

“Oh, whatever,” Charlie scoffs. “Stop acting like you’re so tough. Lexi and Georgia will always be your little girls, and you will forever give them everything and anything they want and need.” She leans in and kisses Tristan’s cheek. “It’s one of the reasons why I love you. You’re the best damn dad.”

“I know you’re only joking,” I say, “but I do have a good job, and with my recent promotion I make a decent living. I’m prepared to take on the role of being Lex’s husband in every way. I know we’re young, but I love her and know she’s the one. Whether it’s her dream to travel the world surfing, or to paint, I plan to fully support her. I just want to spend my life with her.”

“Good man,” Tristan says.

“When are you planning to ask?” Charlie adds. “Can we throw you guys an engagement party?”

“I’m thinking this week, before I go back to work. I know it’s soon but…”

“Hey,” Mason says. “When it’s right, it’s right. I married your mom in a chapel in Las Vegas on a whim. Almost twenty years later and we’re still going strong.”

“You mean I’m still putting up with you?” my mom says, walking into the room.

“Semantics,” Mason says with a laugh, standing and walking over to my mom to give her a kiss.

“What’s with the powwow?” Mom asks, sitting on Mason’s lap. I should be disgusted, but I’m used to it. They’ve always been all over each other since as far back as I can remember.

“Alec came over to ask Tristan’s permission to marry Lexi,” Mason says.

“What?” Mom shrieks. “You’re marrying Lexi? I didn’t even know you two were dating! About freaking time. I thought the two of you would’ve—”

“Gotten together when she graduated high school?” I finish dryly. “Yeah, I heard all about your bet.”

Mom at least attempts to look a little sorry.

“I won,” Mason says, pulling out his hundred-dollar bill. “How about I take you out to dinner tonight?” He lifts his brows up and down playfully, and my mom laughs.

“It’s a date,” she says. “Oh, can we go to The Melting Pot?”

Mason groans. “Woman, you know I hate that place.”

“But I love it,” Mom quips.

“See this?” Mason says to me. “This is marriage. Making sacrifices like eating at an overpriced cheese place that makes you cook your own damn food.”

Mom smirks. “It’s hardly a sacrifice when afterward, when we get home, you always get to—”

“Whoa now,” I say. “Nobody wants to hear what happens once you get home.”

Mason laughs. “The beauty of marriage. You give and then you receive.” His brows bounce up and down and I swear I throw up a little in my mouth.

“Any real advice?” I ask. The truth is, no matter how disgustingly sweet they are together, I’m sitting in a room with two couples who have been married for almost twenty years. Something that doesn’t happen often these days.

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance