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Gripping my hips, he pushes me against the wall and pulls the knot holding my towel, so it falls to the ground, pooling around my feet. “Fuck, Lex,” he growls, capturing my mouth with his own. Heat floods through my veins, warming my entire body. Our kiss deepens, as Alec lifts me up. My legs wrap around his waist and my back hits the wall with a thud. Before my brain can even compute what’s happening, his pants are undone and he’s entering me. With his mouth devouring mine, he fucks me against the wall.

Every time we’re intimate, it’s as if the world around us disappears. I hope it’s always like this. This hot, this intense, this emotion and lust filled. I rag on my parents for them being all over each other all the time, but now I get it. When you feel the way my parents feel about each other, the way I feel about Alec, all you want to do is show them. It’s as if words aren’t enough. You can try to explain it, but the depth of your feelings is lost in translation and the only way to completely make it clear is through your actions. Every kiss, every touch, every time we make love, I hope it conveys every emotion I’m feeling.

My body trembles as a mind-blowing orgasm slams into me, taking Alec right along with me. We continue to kiss through our orgasms, until he goes soft inside me, until I can feel his cum leaking out of me and dripping down my leg, and then it hits me…

“You came in me.”

Alec’s eyes widen and he pulls out, dropping me to the ground. “Shit, sorry, Lex.” He winces. “We probably should’ve had a talk about protection. I’ve been so consumed with you…”

“Same,” I agree. “I’m on the pill, but I’m a slacker about it. I haven’t had sex in a while, so…”

Alec grins, liking the fact my sex life has been lacking.

I roll my eyes. “I’ll make it a point to be more consistent.”

He shrugs a single shoulder. “Worst-case scenario you end up pregnant.”

“And my dad kills you,” I half-joke, bending and grabbing my towel to wipe myself.

“We’ll be married soon,” he volleys. “And life is short. If we start a family sooner rather than later, would it be the worst thing?” His lips curve down into a frown. “I meant it when I said I don’t want to waste a single day I have with you.”

My heart cracks at his words, knowing they’re stemming from his dad passing away. “And I want that too,” I tell him, dropping the towel and framing his face, “but we’re also young and I don’t want to rush into anything. I’m hoping to pick up a surfing contract, and…”

“And getting pregnant and surfing don’t exactly go hand-in-hand,” he finishes.

“No, they don’t. But surfing contracts are usually short-term.” Which makes me realize the hole in my plan. After the few years of traveling and surfing, what then? I’ll be right back to where I started.

“Lex, you okay?” Alec lifts my chin so I’m looking at him. “We don’t have to get—”

“It’s not that,” I say, cutting him off. “I just feel like every time I think I’ve got my future planned out, something I’m missing pops out and blocks my path.”

Alec shakes his head. “That’s the beautiful thing about life, Lex. You don’t have to pick a path and follow it. You don’t have to know your future. Anything can happen at any time, so all you have to do is live and love. Enjoy the beauty in the moment. That’s what I’m doing.” He kisses the corner of my mouth. “I’m enjoying the beauty in us and finally finding our way to each other. And if you want to talk paths, I think that’s a pretty fucking awesome path.”

“It’s easy for you to say that when you have a career. You’re this amazing firefighter who keeps getting promotion after promotion. And if you hadn’t chosen to be a firefighter, you could’ve easily had a career in the UFC. I’m a half-ass college student who surfs and graffitis walls.”

“No, Lexi, you’re a talented artist and a badass surfer who is only twenty-one and still finding her place in the world, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Life isn’t a race and in the end we all end up in the same place,” Alec says, his jaw clenching. “Dead.”

“Alec,” I breathe, hating that our hot love-making has turned to this.

“It’s the truth. My dad busted his ass to build up his business. He threw his marriage away and didn’t find love until years later. Now he’s gone and all that’s left of him is his pregnant widowed wife and his son who misses the hell out of him.” Tears glisten in his eyes. “Don’t worry about what you think you should be doing. Focus on what you want to be doing, okay? Live your life and live it for you.”

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance