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“You don’t have to admit to it.” Jason laughs. “I would know your work anywhere. It’s beautiful… just like you.”

“Thanks,” I say, my cheeks heating up from his compliment. Jason is a good-looking guy. He can be a huge flirt, and I know he sleeps around. I also know he’s interested in me. He’s made it known on several occasions without actually saying it. And if I weren’t completely in love with my best friend, I would probably give in to his advances, but I am, and no matter how many times I’ve tried over the years to get under someone else to get over Alec, it never works. Eventually I stopped trying. Too many meaningless one-night stands led to me giving up. Now, it’s been so long, my vagina would probably go into shock if it was touched by anything other than my fingers or vibrator.

“So, I was thinking…” he begins.

I bite down on my bottom lip, praying he doesn’t ask me out. Things are already awkward with Alec. The last thing I want is for things to be awkward with another one of my friends.

Then I remember why things are awkward with Alec. It shouldn’t have happened.

“…maybe we could go out sometime,” he finishes.

I expected him to say something sexual, like he wants to hook up. I wasn’t expecting him to actually ask me out. Maybe this is my path: moving forward, finding a nice, good-looking guy who wants to go out with me.

I’m about to tell him okay, when my phone rings.

Alec’s name appears on the caller ID, and I take a deep breath, worried as to why he’s calling. Maybe he feels the need to finish telling me why our kiss shouldn’t have happened… Or maybe he’s changed his mind… I tamper down that thought, refusing to get my hopes up.

“Hey,” I say nervously, jumping to my feet. Jason is still on the blanket, watching me intently, so I lift a finger, silently asking him to give me a minute.

“Hey,” Alec echoes softly.

The silence between us is awkward, and I know right away, he isn’t calling because he’s changed his mind. I’m suddenly very thankful the only thing that happened between us was a kiss. Joey and Dawson were still okay after their kiss. It wasn’t until after they decided to take the leap from friends to a couple that everything changed between them. Which means Alec and I will get through this. We’ll get past this awkwardness and go back to being best friends.

“Alec? Is everything okay?” I ask slowly, when he remains quiet on the other end of the line.

“It’s my dad… He was in an accident.” My hand goes to my mouth with a gasp. “Lacie and I just left the hospital, and we’re heading to the funeral home. He’s gone.” He chokes out the last word, and my heart feels like it’s just imploded inside my chest. Leaving everything where it is, I grab my keys and take off, running to my jeep. My only thought is that I need to get to Alec. The kiss, the unrequited feelings, the awkwardness, none of it matters anymore.

“Which one?” I ask, turning my ignition. “I’ll be right there.”

Alec gives me the name of the place, and I tell him I’ll see him in a few minutes. On my way, I call my parents and then Georgia to let them know. When I arrive at the funeral home, I see Alec’s silver truck parked in the front. Remembering I’m still in my wetsuit, I strip out of it and throw on a pair of cutoff jean shorts and a tank. I look like shit, but this will have to do. I’m not driving all the way home to change.

I get inside and immediately spot Alec speaking to an older gentleman. His stepmom is sitting in the corner with her face in her hands, her shoulders moving up and down while she cries quietly.

“Hey,” I say softly, making my presence known but not wanting to interrupt the two guys conversing. Alec stops talking and turns to me. His eyes are bloodshot, and when they meet mine, a single tear falls. If I had to guess, I would say that, up until now, Alec’s refused to acknowledge his grief. Not knowing what to say in this situation, I do the only thing that comes natural and wrap my arms around him and hug him tight. Alec’s body sinks into mine, his face nuzzling into my neck. His hot tears hit my skin as he cries over the loss of his father. I don’t bother speaking. There’s nothing I can say that will make this better.

When Alec’s body calms down, and he goes still, I lift my head up slightly to meet his eyes. “Tell me what you need.”

Tags: Nikki Ash Finding Love Romance