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I smile, rubbing his hip under the water. “I bet that was fun.”

“It was. Some of my favorite memories of us together as a family are from being on the slopes or playing board games back in our cabin.”

“How’s Mom doing?”

“She’s good, holding up. Wants me to come home for the summer. But with the show…”

“Maybe we could go visit for a long weekend.”

“I know she’d love to see you.”

“Well, I’d love to see her. And besides, you’ll want a break by then.”

Kip laughs at that. “Highly doubtful. The more likely scenario is that you’ll have to pack my bags for me and force me on a flight.” He shakes his head with a lazy smile on his lips. “I’m already obsessed with the project. I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m even dreaming about it.”

I smile, but my stomach pinches in the same breath, because while I’m happy he’s enjoying making the show, I know Natalia is a big part of it.

And I can’t shake my distrust for her.

Ever since they started filming, and especially since the KKB date auction, Natalia has just been around. No matter where I meet up with Kip, and no matter what kind of day it is for the show, she’s always there. Either she’s filming or she’s volunteering to help with something else. Even when it’s not one of her scenes, she’s on set, helping Kip or costume design or set design or whatever she can think of. She’s not even above running to get coffee or food for the crew.

Which, of course, means everyone loves her.

How could they not? She’s always there to help, never says no to a task, always dependable. She’s funny and cute and smart. And since I’ve made it my mission to befriend her, I’ve been out with her and the rest of the crew a handful of times now.

And every time, she’s been an absolute blast.

She can go with me shot for shot, loves to dance and party and stay up all night, and is always somehow just together enough to help someone else if they get too drunk.

I wish I didn’t hate her.

If I didn’t hate her, I bet we’d be actual friends and not just the fake friends I’ve made us so I can keep an eye on her. I bet we’d party and laugh and get into way too much trouble together.

But I can’t shake that she’s got the hots for Kip, and that she’s waiting for her perfect time to strike.

I don’t trust her.

And I hate that Kip does.

“I need to talk to you about something,” I say, sliding into Kip’s lap. I straddle him, lacing my arms around his neck as his hands find my hips.

“Mmm, well, whatever it is, this might not be the best position to talk in,” he says with a grind of his pelvis against mine. “I can’t think when your tits are in my face and you’re riding me like this.”

“You want to fuck me in this hot tub, don’t you?”

Kip groans and bites his lip, gripping my hips even tighter. “God, do I.”

“Even knowing the rest of the crew could come back at any second?”

“Even still.”

I chuckle, kissing him as he wraps his arms around me. When we made the decision to do Breckenridge for Spring Break, we had no idea we’d be basically bringing all of Palm South with us. Of course, Omega Chi and Kappa Kappa Beta are here, but when Adam found out about our plans, he threw Alpha Sigma into the mix, too. And since they’re now the hottest fraternity on campus, that meant the rest of Greek Row was right behind.

We quickly realized that getting one place for everyone wasn’t possible, so we all split up, and Bear and I booked a sick cabin just outside of town that sleeps ten and has a deck with a hot tub. Our first night here was rowdy as hell, but right now, it’s just me and Kip, since everyone else hasn’t made it back from the slopes yet.

Kip’s hands slide down my back, slipping under my swimsuit bottoms to cup my ass and drag me against him.

“Look,” I say against his next kiss, threading my hands into his hair. “I know you’re oblivious.” Kiss. “Because you’re focused on the show.” Ass squeeze. Kiss. “But Natalia wants you.”

At that, Kip breaks our kiss and pulls back with a confused expression. “What?”

I sigh. “I know I sound ridiculous, which is part of the reason I’ve held off on saying anything. But… I just worry and… Kip, that girl wants you. Bad. And she’s just waiting for the right time to make a move.”

“Babe,” Kip says through a laugh. “All Natalia wants from me is a ticket to Los Angeles. She’s buttering all of us up because she wants to be a movie star, and honestly, I think her dedication to the project is admirable, considering it’s just a college web series.”

Tags: Kandi Steiner Romance