Page 41 of Strong and Steady

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so I was flush against him, and he was kissing me. While the kiss in my kitchen had been hot, this one, this was possession. His tongue plundered, tangled with mine, and I moaned, opening my mouth even more.

My hands moved to his chest, roaming over the hot skin, feeling the steely muscles beneath. He made a sound in the back of his throat, which I took for approval and continued. The arm about me loosened, and he shifted, forcing me onto my back with him looming over me, his weight resting on his forearm. My knees were bent over the side of the bed, my lower legs dangling off.

His hand came up and brushed my wild hair back from my face as he stared at my lips, then my eyes. Breathing raggedly, he just took me in. As he lowered his head, I watched as his eyes closed, then he nipped and sucked at my lower lip.

“Baby, what you do to me,” he whispered just above my mouth.

Heat flared at his words, my body lighting up, awakening.

“I can’t be a gentleman, Em. Not anymore.”

At the words, I got wet, felt it on my thighs. “Good.”

At that one simple word, his hands slowly lifted the hem of my T-shirt, exposing my belly inch by inch. He lowered his head to kiss and lick over the skin he revealed. The stubble on his chin rasped against me, only heightening the sensations. Lifting my hands, I ran them over his head, the dark hair there soft and silky, but not long enough for me to run my fingers through. When the back of my shirt was caught beneath our combined weights, he rolled us once again, so I sat straddling his lap. I could feel the hard length of him against my core with both pairs of boxers in the way. He was big, really big.

It wasn’t the thought of all that size fitting inside me that had me panting, it was the way his eyes darkened. My body had only been seen by one man. As Gray’s fingers worked the T-shirt up my belly once again, higher and higher until I had to lift my arms, I worried at what he would think. My breasts weren’t those of a twenty-year-old. I’d had a baby that I’d nursed for over a year. I wasn’t small, but I wasn’t young and nubile either. I relished the modern bra and how it helped my breasts defy gravity. But as he tossed the T-shirt to the side, I couldn't hide. I glanced down at Gray, fearful of what he might think, what he might say, but his eyes spoke for him.

There wasn’t revulsion or surprise or even tepid curiosity. It was almost reverence that I glimpsed.

“You are so beautiful,” he uttered as his hands came up and cupped me.

The shock of his palms on my sensitive flesh had my eyes flaring wide, then sliding shut, my back arching, so I filled more of his palms. The heat of it zinged down between my parted legs, and I moaned.

“Jesus, baby, they fit perfectly in my hands.” He flicked his thumbs over my tight nipples, and my eyes flew open to look at him, but he was staring at my breasts. “Like that?”

His gaze met mine, and I nodded. At my response, he did it again, brushing his thumbs back and forth, then switched to thumb and forefinger. He was playing now, watching me to see what I liked. I liked it all. God, I had no idea my breasts were so sensitive. I arched my back even more.

On a growl, he shot up and took one nipple into his mouth, suckled.

“Grey!” I cried, my hands on his shoulders, my fingernails digging in as he worked me.

Kissing his way across the valley between my breasts and to the other one, he murmured, “Can you come just like this?”

“Oh my God,” I cried, just from the idea of him trying. “I’ve never… I mean, oh!”

He brushed his chin back and forth over the top swell of my breast as he glanced up at me. “Never came this way before?”

I shook my head wildly, my hair brushing over my shoulders and down my back.

“Something we’ll have to work on.” He wasn’t just saying that in passing. He was filing that away for later, for another time—another time. He was competitive, and he had to succeed, and the idea of him working me until he triumphed had my muscles relaxing. Just his hand about my waist held me up.

He flipped me again, so I was on my back with one of his legs nudging mine apart. He returned his focus to my breasts, laving and sucking on one as his hand worked the other, kneading and playing with it. While he was so focused, so intent on his every move, I was lost, my brain turning to mush as my body became slick with sweat, my muscles tense one moment and slack the next.

“Gray, I—”

“Shh,” he soothed, his tongue licking over the nipple he just lightly bit. “I’m not done with you, not even close.”

Slowly, he worked his way down my body, and his fingers came to rest at the rolled waistband of the boxers. As his fingers curled and pulled the fabric down, I once again surfaced from the fog of desire. God, he was going to see all of me, and I self-consciously turned a hip, but his forearms wouldn’t allow me to shift away. Perhaps sensing my hesitation, he tugged the boxers down my thighs and then off all the way, then paused.

I could feel his breath warm on my skin, and I tilted my chin to glance down my naked body at him. His shoulders had spread my legs wide, settling himself only inches from my center. His head was angled down, and he stared at me… there.

“Baby.” The sound was a mixture of joy and undiluted lust. He looked up at me darkly as he slowly, very gently stroked one finger over me. I startled. “Your pussy’s bare.”

I flopped back, my head angling back as his finger slipped up and down the line of my sex. “Yeah,” I muttered breathlessly.

“It’s a good thing I didn’t know before now. I would have taken you on your kitchen counter. Hell, I would have taken you on the field at the park.”

It seemed ridiculous to have a conversation about that part of me, but I thought he’d be shocked by finding me completely waxed, but not in this way. Pushing myself up on my elbows, I looked down at him. It was quite a sight with his head between my thighs. “You like it… I mean, I did it because…”

Tags: Vanessa Vale Romance