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I still wore a petticoat, drawers, a corset, stockings, shoes and shift. "I can remove nothing further without assistance with the corset."

"I shall be your ladies maid," Connor said, coming over to me, his cock bobbing before him. I spun on my heel as not to watch the sight, but I now faced Dash directly and he sat, legs splayed, working his cock with his hand. It appeared even darker and almost angry in appearance.

Connor pulled and tugged at the ribbon on the back of my petticoat and the layers of material lowered to the floor in meringue-like fluff. He held out his hand and I took it, stepping out.

Squatting down, he removed one fashionable boot then the other before standing to his full height once again. His hands worked and tugged at the laces on the back of my corset. "These stays are as tight as a cinched girth. Tis no wonder ye fainted."

I frowned. "An ear of corn and a saddle girth," I grumbled. Neither man was fancy with his words.

With the last bit of laces undone, Connor pulled the corset away and I took a deep breath, the first I'd had since morning when Mrs. Tisdale tightened it. Little did I know then that I'd have two men's eyes on me as the stays were undone.

Connor came around to stand in front of me, and both men's eyes raked over me. My shift was white and made of a fine linen that was all but transparent. My breasts were bountiful enough that the material was stretched taut over their curves. These curves were where the men's gazes rested.

"Nay, lass, ye are all woman."

I glanced down and saw that my nipples were tight and clearly outlined. They weren't small to begin with, but they seemed blatantly large now. The chemise hung to mid thigh over my drawers and my stockings only came to just above my knees, so a portion of my thighs was exposed. I crossed an arm over my chest, but it was not much of a barrier.

"Ye are fetching, lass."


Their praise warmed me.

Dash crooked his finger. "Come here, sweetheart."

Biting my lip, I stepped back between Dash's spread knees and his hands came up to my waist. Without the material of my dress, his hands were much warmer. He tugged me toward him for another kiss that was soft and sweet and when he pulled back I was languid and some of the tension had seeped away. Perhaps they were drugging me with kisses. If this was their plan, it was working. "I could keep kissing ye all day, but I have other plans. Take off your drawers, sweetheart," he said, his thumbs moving back and forth and eliciting tingles across my skin. Goose bumps rose on my bare arms.

Reaching beneath the hem of my chemise, I found the bow on the string holding up my drawers, gave it a tug and let the garment fall to the floor. I didn't want to work it off, for then I'd lean forward and Dash would have an unobstructed glimpse of my breasts from the loose neckline of my chemise. More importantly, letting them fall kept me covered...lower.

"Have ye ever pleasured yerself before?" Dash eyed me, but it was hard to hold his gaze when his cock was jutting from his body and pointing straight toward me.

I shook my head. "I...I do not know what you mean."

"Have ye ever touched yer pussy before?" Connor's question had me tilting my head up to look at him, which was good because it kept me from looking at his chest and...lower.

"I'm going to assume that you are not referring to a cat," I countered.

He grinned, teeth straight and white. "Nay, but if I stroke it enough it will make ye purr."

"Lift yer hem up and show it to us. Yer pussy. I bet the hair there is as dark as on yer head."

I flushed hotly. They wanted to know if I touched myself...there? Why would I do that and how did it lead to any kind of pleasure? "I don't want to," I said. "I know I am to do as my husband bids, but...but I can't. I can't show it to you. I've only met you this morning and you're asking me to expose parts of myself that I have not shared with another."

I looked from one man to the other to see if their expressions held any kind of anger at my contrary words. There was none.

"Verra well. For now. All right?" Dash asked.

A sigh escaped my parted lips. "Thank you."

"We can start with yer breasts. Lord, they are stunning and I havena seen them yet." Before I knew his intentions Dash leaned forward in his seat and put his lips around my nipple and sucked the entire thing into his mouth, even through the chemise.

"Oh!" I cried, grasping his head, his fair hair silky soft between my fingers and tried to pull him off, but I couldn't. "What are you doing?"

"He's sucking on your nipple." Connor's words were right by my ear. "Feel good, sweetheart?" He kissed the outer shell of my ear, and then his tongue darted out to slide around the curve before he sucked the lobe into his mouth, tugged on it with his teeth, and then let go.


The wet heat of Dash's mouth, the strong suction and the decadent movement of his tongue had me clenching my fingers tightly in his hair. A sharp pull, not painful, but a little desperate went through me. His mouth relaxed and he licked over the tip. Looking down, a circle of the chemise was completely transparent and wet over my nipple and the rose color was evident. The tip was tightly furled and when his tongue flicked over that peak, I cried out. "" My questions were all merged together and made no sense for I was becoming nonsensical. How did just Dash's mouth on my nipple make me...feel.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater Ménage Erotic