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Dash lifted his head and blew gently on the damp skin, then looked up at me through his fair lashes. "How about the other one? Is it lonely?"

A minute

earlier, I wouldn't have known to what he referred, but I understood and it was lonely. It practically ached for attention. While the air was warm, it chilled the wet tip and it ached. Fortunately, Dash didn't need an answer, for he moved to the other breast and suckled at the other tip as he had the first. Again, my hands went to his head and this time, instead of trying to push him away, I held him in place.

It felt so good, so unlike anything I'd ever felt before. And lower, between my legs, I could feel myself growing warm. Not only that, I felt achy and almost...wet. When Dash lightly bit down on the tip, I cried out and my eyes flew open.

"I think you can make her come just like this," Connor commented. "I want to try one. One for each of us, lass."

Dash pulled back and turned my hips so when Connor knelt on the floor, his mouth was at the perfect height. Dash didn't delay in his return to my other breast.

The two of them latched on and eagerly licked and sucked, nipped and tugged on my nipples, touching me nowhere else.

My head dropped back and my eyes closed. I had to think of England or the dark, scary closet at school or even Mrs. Withers, for I did not want them to know how much I liked what they were doing. A small cry slipped past my lips one time, but surely they would have thought it was because they were too rough. I couldn't, couldn't be a loose woman. I fisted my hands at my sides against the sharp twang of pleasure that whipped across my skin and settled between my legs. My pussy, or whatever they called it, was so very hot.

Dash pulled back and told Connor to stop. "She's fighting it."

"Ah, lass, dinna fight us. Dinna fight the your body's reactions to our touch," Connor told me as he stroked a hand over my forehead, pushing my hair back from my face.

I opened my eyes and looked down at them. "I...can't. I can't like it" Dash frowned and held me in place.

"Why ever not?" he asked. "There's no shame in finding pleasure in your husbands' touch."

I nodded fervently. "Yes. Yes, there is."

"We're nae back to the thinking of England, are we?"

"I'm not supposed to like it," I countered.

Dash's eyebrows arched up beneath his hair. "Yes, ye are. They were lying to ye."

"A husband doesn't want a woman who's passionate, for he will question her countenance."

"Aren't ye also supposed to do yer husbands' bidding?" Connor asked, continuing to stroke the side of my face.

I couldn't help but nod, for that was what I'd been trained to be: biddable.

"Then ye must do as we say," Dash told me. "And we are telling you—"

"Giving ye permission," Connor cut in.

Dash nodded. "—to like it."

"In fact, if ye dinna let go and give in to us, then you will be disobedient and then I'll have to take ye over my knee."



My mouth fell open at his words and I felt a moment of stark fear. "You said you wouldn't beat me," I whispered.

Connor slowly shook his head and his eyes stayed heated, not angry. "Beat ye? Never, but dinna think I willna turn ye over my knee for a spanking if ye deserve it."

They seemed to be resolved that I would simply bow to their wishes in this, when the feelings they wrought, just by their mouths on my breasts—they'd barely touched me!—was unlike anything I'd ever known. On one strong pull by Dash's mouth, my hands went to their heads and held on. Perhaps their attentions were more ardent as if trying to force pleasure upon me. I quickly gave up that notion for they did not seem to need to force me at all. They were coaxing me, slowly and rather easily, into pleasure.

"We want to touch ye, lass, we want to pleasure ye. We want ye to know how good we can make ye feel." Dash's voice slipped to a husky whisper as a hand rested on my hip, then another on my other hip. Their touches were gentle, the heat from their hands seeping into me.

"Dinna be afraid. Ye are our wife and we can't keep our hands off ye."

Tags: Vanessa Vale Bridgewater Ménage Erotic