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We’ve talked so much and dug into some deep shit, it almost feels like it’s been over a week since we started sharing details about one another. I like knowing more about him. It makes me feel confident that we’ll look like a legit couple to my family.

“Lennon.” Hunter’s voice has me jumping out of my skin.

I turn around with my hand over my racing heart. “Shit, you scared me.” I didn’t even hear his footsteps behind me. He’s holding his beer in one hand and brings over my bottle of water I left in the living room.

“Sorry, I said your name a few times, but you must’ve been in your head again.” He flashes me a smirk, then hands me the water. “Wasn’t sure if you wanted this or not.”

My shoulders fall, and I grin. “I’m fine, but thank you. Baby’s already using my bladder as a trampoline, though.”

His brows shoot up to his hairline, making me burst out into laughter. “You can feel that already?”

I shrug, uncertain. “I don’t know, but lately, I have to pee once an hour.”

“That’s gonna be a fun plane ride for you.” He snickers. “Good thing it’s not a long flight.”

“Right.” I sigh. The anxiety about telling my parents hits me. Hopefully after the initial surprise, they’ll be supportive and won’t ask a million questions even though we’re preparing for it.

“My nerves are gonna be shot anyway,” I admit, lowering my eyes, then turn back around to my lists and notecards.

“Well, you won’t be alone, so try not to stress too much,” he tells me, and I feel him behind me. The guilt of what he’s agreed to eats at me, though, I try to push it away. Hunter wouldn’t be doing this if he didn’t want to, but because he’s so willing has me wishing I could repay him someday for what he’s subjecting himself to.

“I’ll try,” I say softly.

Hunter walks back into the kitchen, the fridge door opens and shuts, and then he’s by my side again.



“You said you had a weird request before,” he reminds me. “What was it?”

“Oh, um…” A blush rises to my cheeks. “It’s nothing. Never mind.”

“C’mon,” he urges. “You know I won’t say no.”

That has my lips tilting up a bit. “It’s too much right now. Forget it.”

Hunter sets down his beer, grabs my shoulders, then makes me face him. He gazes into my eyes and gives me a pointed look that tells me he’s not going to drop it. “Ask me.”

My breathing picks up, and nervous butterflies form in my stomach as I look at the man who’s going to be my fake husband for who the hell knows how long.

Sucking in a deep breath, I release it slowly, then nod. “Okay, but you can say no if you want.”

Hunter drops his arms and crosses them over his chest. “Sure.”

His tone lets me know that won’t be the case.

“I don’t know how to ask this, so I’m just going to come out with it,” I tell him, though I’m trying to convince myself to just do it.

“Please do,” he encourages.

“We’re gonna need to kiss,” I finally blurt out and swallow hard as I wait for his reaction. He stands firm, not moving or speaking. “If we want to convince my parents we’re newlyweds, ones who are pregnant, they’re going to expect us to be…touchy-feely. In love. So instead of it being weird around my parents, maybe we should…practice first.” My voice cracks at the end, and I feel like I’m an inexperienced teenager all over again.

“Okay, I was not expecting that actually,” Hunter finally replies, brushing a hand through his hair, then over his chin with a couple of days’ worth of stubble. I’ve learned it’s a nervous tell, which makes me feel better knowing I won’t be the only one who feels awkward.

“I totally understand if you say no. It’s a lot to ask. I shouldn’t have mentioned it. It’s odd, right? Sorry, just forget it. I don’t know what I was—”

“Lennon,” Hunter interrupts my rambling. “I didn’t say no. I just wasn’t anticipating it, but you’re right. We’ll need to act like we’ve done it a time or two.” He cracks the smallest of smiles, which eases my mind a bit. “Probably a good thing, so then we don’t act like two virgins on prom night.”

I laugh, the tension fading. “Well, considering they demanded I wait until my wedding night to lose my virginity, it’s not uncommon for couples in my church to get pregnant right away. Most get married only after dating for a short time and announce they’re having a baby a month later. Couples like that, who wait until their wedding night, are noticeably all over each other because they refrained so much beforehand.”

“So pouncing on you in front of your parents is a must,” he teases, taking a step back when I attempt to smack his chest.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Roommate Duet Romance