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“But they were on a break?” I say smugly.

She shoves me and hisses. “So? He couldn’t go one night without getting a woman’s attention? Oh wait, look who I’m asking?” she teases, rewarding me with a playful smile.

“Really?” I smirk at her dig and put a hand over my heart. “I almost got into a fight for you,” I quip, and she rolls her eyes.

“I can tell it was a real hardship.” She chuckles, her eyes trailing down my body, knowing I don’t have any battle wounds.

“Well, now I can see why Ross went crazy. Girls.” I shake my head, that nagging feeling hitting me hard in the gut just like when Liam and Mason looked at me as if they knew my secret. The one I’ve tried so damn hard to hide.

“Uh, no. He could’ve kept it in his pants,” she states matter-of-factly.

“Hey, he was trying to be sweet and romantic for their anniversary, and she basically told him her job was more important,” I try to defend the guy, but it’s a lost cause. I already know he’s an idiot for cheating on a woman like Rachel.

Oh my God. Now she has me thinking these characters are real people.

Fuck my life.

“We need something else to watch.” I deadpan. “I’m too invested.”

Lennon snorts. “There’s a new series I want to watch. It’s based on a book and is about a hot stalker or something.”

I face her with both brows perked up. “What’s wrong with you?” I laugh. “He’s hot, so it’s okay he’s a stalker?”

She pinches her lips and rolls them from side to side, bobbing her head. “Essentially.” Then she shrugs. “It’s called You.”

“Never heard of it.”

“Let’s just watch the first one,” she suggests.

“The last time you said that, we ended up ten episodes deep into Friends.”

She sighs and glances at me. “And look how into it you are now.” Lennon smirks proudly, then laughs. “Okay, maybe you’re right. I should go to bed anyway.” She raises her arms over her head and stretches, the fabric of her shirt rising up slightly.

She doesn’t move to get up, so neither do I. Lennon glances over at me but doesn’t say anything. She fidgets with the hem of her shirt and stays silent.

“What is it?” I ask, grabbing her attention. “I can see something’s on your mind.”

Lennon nods, then turns to face me. “Earlier, you said you should’ve controlled your temper.”

I nod.

“Has that always been an issue for you, or is it recent?” she asks.

Fuck. I hadn’t expected her to ask something like that. It’s a part of my past I don’t talk about much to anyone. Actually, not even Mason and Liam know much about my family. Only Brandon knew the ugly truth.

“I guess, around middle school.” I shrug, ashamed to admit it.

“Why’s that? Does something trigger it?” she asks, genuinely curious.

“Well, if you really wanna know, I’ll tell you,” I begin and swallow hard.

She nods, keeping her eyes locked on mine.

“I’m not sure how much Brandon told you about me, but my dad’s a state senator.”

Lennon’s eyes widen. “Oh my God. Harris Manning. I never put two and two together.” I’m actually impressed she knows him by name, considering anyone else I’ve told or talks about the government to has no clue. “That’s your dad? How cool.”

“Yeah, unfortunately.”

“Oh. Sorry. Not a good relationship, huh?” she asks.

“Nope. He’s been in politics my whole life. Started on the city council, then ran and won for mayor of Sacramento, then worked his way up to attorney general, then lieutenant governor of California, and now he’s a senator. He’s always picked his career over his family yet still had time to pressure my brother Hayden and me into playing football all through middle and high school and then college.”

“I thought you loved playing football?”

“Didn’t have a choice. I grew to eventually like it. Mostly because I was able to channel my anger for him through sacking other people.” I half-laugh, but it’s true. I put all my rage into the sport.

“So you didn’t have a good relationship because of all that?”

“Wasn’t just that.” I inhale, thinking about how much I want to share. Deciding to say fuck it, I tell her the truth. “He had an affair for years, and the media found out. His money covered it up mostly, then he put on this whole charade about having the perfect happy family. Two sons who played football. A loyal wife. He sold himself as a family man to get re-elected over and over, and as ridiculous as it was, it worked. I hated him for it. I hated how the people fell for it too.”

“Oh God.” She sucks in a breath, her gaze never wavering from mine. “That’s awful. How could he do that?”

“Because he’s corrupted by money and his career. I was so pissed when I found out what he did to my mother, but she didn’t leave. I still don’t know why she stayed or continues to. I love her, but I wish she’d get out.”

Tags: Kennedy Fox Roommate Duet Romance