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Now I wish I would’ve waited to take a shower and was in the bathroom right now. I have plans in the morning and have to be up in five hours, so I don’t have time to waste not sleeping.

I do my best to drown out the noise, but the walls are paper thin, so it’s no use. Part of me wants to give him a high five for pleasing this chick so well—if her screams are any indication—but considering they’re both probably drunk, I’m actually impressed with how long this continues. Guess I won’t be calling him “Limp Dick Locke” tomorrow.

“Fuck!” After one final loud thud against the wall, the apartment goes silent.

About goddamn time.

Rolling over, I shut my eyes and attempt to fall asleep. Ten minutes pass, and I’m still restless.

“Fuck it.” I decide to get up and grab something to drink. Maybe chugging three beers will help me pass out.

Without turning on any lights, I walk down the short hallway and see a glimmer of light coming from the kitchen. I turned off the lamps after my shower, so Brandon must’ve got up, and I didn’t hear him.

Stepping into the kitchen, I notice the fridge door is open with an almost bare ass perked up in the air. She’s wearing an oversized T-shirt and thin panties while digging through our food.

God help me.

Apparently, Brandon’s date is raiding our fridge now. Decent ass, though.

Leaning against the counter, I cross my arms over my chest and loudly clear my throat. “What are you—”

Before I finish my sentence, something flies through the air at me, and I don’t dodge it quick enough before it grazes my right nut.

“Son of a bitch.” I barely get the words out and hunch over, holding my junk in my palm.

“Oh my God!” the girl squeals. “I’m so sorry! You scared the shit out of me!”

I’m ready to curse her out, but I can barely breathe as I squeeze my eyes tight, trying to gain composure. “You…hit…me!” I hiss between pants. “This is what I get for being thirsty.”

“It was an accident!” She kneels, trying to console me when a lock of blond hair lands on my arm.

“Don’t touch me,” I warn. “I just…need a minute.”

I hear feet padding against the floor, then the flick of a light switch.

“Jesus, what the hell did you do to my roommate?” Brandon asks.

“I threw the bottle of Reddi Whip at his nuts,” the girl explains.

Fucking A.

Reddi Whip. Of course.

“I didn’t mean to! I didn’t hear him approach, and then I heard his voice, and it was instinct,” she rambles a ridiculous explanation that has me seeing red.

Brandon tries to muffle his laughter but fails. “You okay, man?” He pats my shoulder and offers a hand.

I inhale a deep breath and swallow down the pain. Taking his hand, I stand and try to get my bearings before I chew this chick out.

“Sorry about that. She was thirsty and wanted some snacks,” he explains like I’m an idiot and didn’t just hear their entire fuck session.

“Whatever, it’s fine.” I pinch the bridge of my nose to regain my control.

My vision finally clears, and it’s then I see the woman Brandon has his arms wrapped around, swatting her ass.

“Lennon,” I croak out, blinking, hoping I’m imagining her in front of me, standing in my kitchen with my best friend. My jaw tightens and nostrils flare at seeing her pressed against him. What in the ever-loving-fuck is she doing here?

“Hunter.” She says my name so softly I almost don’t hear it.

“You know each other?” Brandon asks, pulling her tighter as he looks at her like she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on.

Because she is.

“From the bar,” Lennon quickly explains.

I can’t seem to form words at the moment. The air in the kitchen grows thick, and I wish it were only my nuts that felt numb right now. I look back and forth between them, watching them together, and know deep down inside that Brandon isn’t going to let her go after tonight. He’s not a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am type of guy. He fucked her senseless and claimed her as his. Brandon has the ability to give her everything she could ever need or want, but me, on the other hand…

“He made me a special drink,” she adds, pulling me from my self-deprecating thoughts.

The Leg Spreader.

How fitting.

“Oh, right.” Brandon smiles, having no fucking clue what this is doing to me. Of course he has no idea. I didn’t even get the chance to say anything or make it known I was attracted to her. But this answers my question as to why she never came back.

Fuck my life.

“Certain he makes all the pretty ladies special drinks. That’s how he gets the big tips.” Brandon chuckles, tilting Lennon’s chin up until their lips collide. And I’m out.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Roommate Duet Romance