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Had he really just called Connor a boy? Damn, he was more of an idiot than she’d thought.

“Ria, go back to the bar and wait there,” Connor said quietly.

She hesitated. He didn’t look worried. But it was eight against one. She glanced around and saw Master Rhett coming towards them.

“Ria. Go. Before you get yourself in more trouble.” There was a note of steely disapproval in his voice.

Trouble? What trouble? She wasn’t the one who’d started things.

The guy holding Sophie suddenly stood, a cruel grin crossing his face. “You want the girl? Fight me for her!”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He was even bigger than she’d first realized. Why hadn’t she tried to defuse the situation instead of escalating it?

Dumb, Ria. Dumb.

And now Connor and Rhett were about to get the shit kicked out of them. She looked around for help and saw Trevor, the bartender on the phone. Hopefully to the bouncers out front. It would be too much to hope that dipshit would help. Coward.

Instead of backing away like any sane person might have, Connor just smiled. “Bring it on.”

Ria reached around him and grabbed hold of Sophie, pulling her out of the way. She drew her over to towards the bar.

“Stay here, Soph,” she said frantically. “Trevor, watch her.”

Trevor just gave her a disgusted look. Yeah, he’d be a great help.

“Ria, wait—” Sophie reached out for her, but Ria dodged away. She couldn’t just stand by and do nothing. She reached the brawl and looked quickly around for something to help even the odds. Connor was fighting off two guys and a third one was closing in behind him.

Oh, hell, no. She wasn’t going to let some coward sneak up on him. She picked up a chair and stepped forward, raising it above her head. Determination filled her.

A wide arm reached around her waist, lifting her into the air. She kicked her legs. “Hey, what the fuck!”

The chair was plucked from her hands as the person holding her let out a loud roar. She winced, rubbing her ear and looked up with trepidation. There was only one man she knew who could make a noise like that. His big, beefy arm remained around her waist, her feet swinging. She felt like a complete idiot.

“Everyone, quiet the fuck down. Now!”

Two men jumped into the fray, pulling back some of the unruly group who hadn’t heeded Ajax’s command. Not surprisingly, everyone else turned to look at him. Ajax had once commanded a team of SEALs. He had an air of authority about him you just couldn’t ignore. He might act like a laidback cowboy sometimes, but that was just a disguise. Only an idiot would willingly go up against him.

“Who the fuck are you?” the dick who’d grabbed Sophie asked. He wiped at his bleeding nose. Case in point. This guy’s elevator didn’t reach the top floor.

“I’m the guy who’s going to make it difficult for you to keep solids down for the next thirty years if you don’t get the fuck out of my club. Now.”

The other guy swallowed heavily. Then he pushed his chest out. “Yeah? You and who’s army, fucker?”

“Jesus, Andy, that’s Ajax Born.” One of the other guys tugged at the idiot’s arm. “You can’t go up against him. He’s a fucking legend.”

“Don’t care,” Andy blustered although she saw the way he paled slightly.

“Ajax, let me down.” She tugged at his arm. She was done being held like an unruly toddler.

“Stay still,” he growled down at her. “I’m not happy with you right now.”

“What did I do?”

He just growled softly. “Lenny and Shane,” he called out to the bouncers who’d jumped in to help Connor and Rhett. “Take out the trash and make certain they know they’re not welcome back. Rhett, can you help them?” The other Dom nodded. Ajax turned to the rest of the bar. “Everyone else, see Trevor for a drink. On the house.”

Then he turned back. Still holding her. She sighed. Seemed like she wasn’t going anywhere for the moment.

“Sophie, Connor, you’re with me.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic