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That’s because you go for sweet, uncomplicated subs. Topping Ria, would be like trying to tame a volcano, never certain when an explosion was coming. He’d rather have solid earth under his feet. Wouldn’t he?

“Yes, I would. Thank you.”

She blinked. As though she wasn’t used to good manners. “Yeah, good.”

“Ria.” He reached out to lightly touch her arm, and she flinched.

He frowned. That seemed an overreaction.

“Don’t touch me.” She took a step back, her gaze wary.

Okay. What was that about? There was cautious and then there was jumpy.

“I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

“You didn’t frighten me.” She raised her chin up. “Don’t flatter yourself.”

He narrowed his gaze. As a club Dom, she should be showing him respect. That tone didn’t have the slightest hint of respect. Before he could reprimand her, though, her attention shifted beyond him. He followed her gaze, stiffening as he saw Sophie being roughly grabbed by one of the men in the large crowd across the room. She tried to pull away, but the guy was big, and, obviously, a complete idiot as he tugged her close, toppling her into his lap.

He turned to tell Ria to stay put when he spotted a blonde whirlwind hurtle across the room.


How had she moved without him seeing her? And what on Earth did she think she was doing? Besides him, there was another other club Dom in the room, as well as the bartender that the five-foot nothing spitfire could have called on to deal with that asshole and his buddies.

He’d never met anyone who needed a spanking a more and his hand itched to deliver it.

Ria stormed towards the group of dickheads. She didn’t know them. They’d never been in here before, but she’d only had to look at them to know they were going to be trouble. All in their early twenties, swaggering in like they owned the place, drinking too much.

What had Lenny been thinking, letting them in?

“Hey, asshole! Let her up. Now!” Ria demanded. She reached out to grab hold of Sophie, but the big jerk held her tighter. Sophie was pulling at his arm and she could see she was starting to panic.

“Fuck off!” he told her. “She’s down for a bit of a fun, aren’t ya, sweetheart?”

“Let me go!” Sophie said fearfully.

“Either you let her go or I’ll make sure your doctor thinks your balls are another set of tonsils,” Ria snarled at him.

Everyone at the table erupted into laughter. Dickface jerks.

“You wanna come sit on my lap, sweetheart?” one of the other guys called out to her. “I wouldn’t mind burying my face in those sugar tits.”

“Aren’t you worried she’ll bite off your dick, George?” another one called out. “Oh, wait, she’d have to be able to find it first.”

George, who was a huge fucking beast, stood up and swung out his meaty fist at the guy who’d insulted the size of his cock. She used the distraction to reach for Sophie.

“Let her go. I’m done playing nice.”

The man just smiled at her, showing off a set of yellowed teeth.

“You’ve got some spinach in your teeth,” she told him. She drew back her fist, ready to let rip, but someone grabbed her arm, stilling her.

“Hey!” She turned, then froze as she saw who stood behind her. Connor. Although he was nearly unrecognizable. His face was cold, his gaze almost cruel, and there was a confidence in the way he held himself. As though he had no doubts that he could take on this whole pack of douchebags and come out on top.

“Let her go. Now,” he demanded quietly as he pulled Ria to his side. What did he think he was doing?

The drunk idiot looked him up and down dismissively. “Just having some fun here, boy. Go on back to your table before you get hurt.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic