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“How did you receive the threats?” he asked Sophie. “Have you still got them?”

“All but the first one. I threw it away. They were left in different places. The first one was in my locker. It told me to leave the money in an envelope under my car wiper window. I did that for a couple of weeks. Then I got new instructions to leave it taped under a table at the library. That lasted for a few more weeks. Then under a seat in the park.”

“All public places and unlikely to have security cameras. There are none in the lockers at the club. And the ones in the parking lot are only close to the building. I’m going to need to see them and send them away for analysis.”

“Okay, Sophie, I’m probably going to have more questions for you. Roarke might as well.”

Sophie looked at Ajax. “You really think he won’t involve the police?”

Ajax nodded. “I think under the circumstances, he won’t. But like I said, he’ll want some form of punishment.”

Sophie’s eyes widened.

“Jesus, don’t look at me like that. I’m not going to fucking beat you.”

“I-I know. But you s-said punishment?”

“Yes. But that will come later. And I’ll be deciding it. Just to be clear, you have to say to yes to this. And once you do that, you’re

going to be under my protection and care until this is taken care of. Which means you follow my rules.”

“I’m not sure that I’m comf—” Ria started to say.

Connor reached out and placed his hand over her mouth. She started to pull at his wrist, and when she couldn’t budge him, she turned to glare at him.

He leaned in to whisper in her ear. “This is between them. She doesn’t have to agree. She isn’t being forced into anything. And if you’ve watched them closely you could tell he truly cares about her.”

She remained still for a few seconds then she relaxed and tapped at his hand. Obviously wanting him to let her go. With great reluctance, he did so. Damn, she’d felt good pressed up against him.

“So, Sophie, are you agreeing to put yourself under my protection and care? To being my sub for as long as is necessary?”

“All right, I agree,” Sophie said softly.

“Good,” Ajax said briskly. “Then gather up everything you have here. I need to get back to the club.”

“Oh. Uh. Okay.” Sophie looked around. “Why?”

“Because you’re coming with me.” Ajax gave her an incredulous look. “Didn’t you just hear me when I said you were under my protection?”

“Yes, but that means I can’t stay here?”

“It means, sweetheart, that for the foreseeable future, I’ll all over your ass. You’re not going anywhere without me knowing and approving. You’re going to be firmly under my watchful eye. At all times. And you should know this isn’t just about protection, although that is a large part of it. It’s also because I don’t trust you.”

Sophie flinched. He felt Ria tense and Connor wrapped an arm around her waist. “Easy, mama bear.”

“You’re an asshole,” she whispered back.

“Most people like me, you know.”

“Most people are idiots.”

He found himself smiling. He did love her snarky mouth.

“You think I’m not telling the truth?” Sophie asked in a quiet voice.

“I do,” Ajax reassured her. “But you still broke trust. That takes time to mend. Now you have ten minutes to gather your stuff or we’re leaving without it.”

Sophie slowly got to her feet. Ajax reached out and helped her up, his face softening slightly. But then Connor saw him harden up again. He understood. Sophie had lied. She had broken the law. And she’d broken Ajax’s trust. It wouldn’t be an easy thing for her to earn back.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic