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“Ria?” Sophie said quietly. “Did you hear what Ajax said? He thinks he can stop Roarke from involving the cops.”

“Yeah, if you agree to be his sub.”

Sophie sucked in a breath. But to his thinking, she looked more intrigued than scared.

Ria turned to Ajax. “You think she wants to be bound and beaten after what she’s been through?”

Ajax glared at her. “You really think that’s what I’m going to do? That I’d fucking do anything to frighten her?

“Easy, man.” Connor stepped in front of Ria, giving Ajax a sharp look. He knew he needed to establish his place as Sophie’s Dom. But he didn’t get to yell at Ria or frighten her. Although, looking back at Ria, she wasn’t intimidated in the slightest.

“You ever feel like everything you do is a complete fuck-up?” Sophie asked them. “That everything you touch turns to mud? That sometimes it just feels like everyone would be better off if you weren’t around?”

“Sophie.” Ria took in a shocked breath. She moved to sit beside her friend. Connor glanced over at Ajax, who looked stricken.

“It’s okay. I’m not suicidal or anything. Its just things were so good at the club and then that bastard came along and ruined it all. I just feel like shit follows me wherever I go.” She glanced up at Ajax. “You sure about this?”

“Yes,” he told her firmly. “And you won’t be running. We’ll also be working on those self-esteem issues of yours.”

“I’m a mess, aren’t I? Not sure I can be fixed.”

“Not trying to fix you,” Ajax told her gruffly. “Just want you to realize you’re worth more than you think you are. You’re worth fighting for, Sophie.”

“I don’t think anyone’s ever said something that nice to me.” Sophie sniffled.

Okay, time to get back to the blackmailer.

“Sophie, what did you say during that conversation? I assume you didn’t use Jerry’s full name?”

“No.” Sophie frowned, obviously thinking. “All I said to mom was that I hadn’t heard anything from Jerry and I hoped to hell that he never managed to find me. I think I said something about how scared I was of him. How the last I’d heard he was still living in Hondo. I used to work at the hospital in San Antonio.”

“So, our blackmailer must have done some more digging around to find Jerry,” Connor mused.

“Could he have uncovered the police reports from previous assaults?” Ria asked.

“It’s possible,” Connor told her. “Sophie, do you have any idea who the blackmailer might be?”

Sophie sighed. “No. None.”

“If you were paying him then why did the blackmailer call Jerry?” Connor asked again.

“Because I stopped,” she whispered. “I couldn’t pay last week.”

“Fucking asshole,” Ria swore. “This fucking asshat needs to be taught a lesson.”

Connor agreed. But Ria wouldn’t be involved with that. Not unless he could guarantee her safety. Which would mean sticking close to her. Hmm, seems like he wouldn’t be leaving so soon. This job had been a pretty simple one. But now, it was getting vastly more complicated.

Which gave him a chance to get closer to the prickly sub. To show her what she needed. It wouldn’t be a forever thing. He didn’t want that and he was sure she didn’t either.

“Where were you exactly when you were on the phone?” he asked Sophie, forcing his brain to get back on task.

“I was near the back entrance of the club. My car was parked in the back.”

“So, this is someone with access to the back area of the club,” he said. “Most likely a member of the staff.”

“Can’t rule out a club member, they could probably get out the back unseen,” Ajax said quietly.


Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic