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“Would you like to play with me in the dungeon?”

Where the hell had that come from? She stared at him, dumbfounded.

“Have I finally shocked you into silence?”

She shook her head. “I’m not a sub.”

“You’re wrong. You’re most definitely a sub. What I’m not sure about is if you know it and are in denial, or whether you’re completely oblivious to your needs.”

“I don’t have needs. And I don’t want to play with you. And you can get your own damn drink.”

She turned and stormed off, trying to ignore the way her hands shook. She tried to work up some anger at his presumption that she’d want to play with him.

Thing was, it was way more tempting than she would have liked it to be.


The vibration of her phone woke her. She sprang up and reached under her pillow for it. She pulled it out and looked at the name on the screen.



She quickly answered, pulling it up to her right ear automatically. “Sophie? What is it?”

“He’s here. Ria, he’s here!”

Fuck. Fuck.

“I’m coming. Where are you?”

Sophie sobbed into the phone. “Oh, God. Oh, God. Jerry’s here! He’s in a rage. He’s going to kill me. I can hear him tearing up the apartment.”

She quickly jumped out of bed and dragged the bat out from under the bed.

“Sophie. Where are you?”

“The bathroom. I heard him coming, grabbed my phone and locked myself in here.”

“Good. Have you called the cops?”


Sophie had an aversion to the police. They’d failed her too many times for the other woman to feel comfortable calling them. Even when some psycho was trashing her apartment. Ria didn’t have much love for them either. But she knew they would need help. She raced out of her apartment, bat in one hand, phone pressed to her good ear. She was dressed just in a pair of panties and an over-sized T-shirt but she didn’t have time to get dressed.

She raced down the stairs to the floor Sophie’s apartment was on. She could hear him yelling from several apartments down. Surely someone had called the police.

“Ria!” Sophie screamed through the phone. “He’s breaking down the door.”

Fuck. Fuck.

She pulled the phone away and with shaking fingers pressed the emergency call number.

“911. What’s your emergency?”

“My friend’s apartment was broken into. The man is still in there. He’s going to hurt her.” She quickly rattled off the address and hung up as the operator told her to stay on the line.

Like hell. She wasn’t going to just stand there while some asshole beat Sophie.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic