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Whenever he was in the public bar, which was far too much for her peace of mind, he just had to sit in her section. Awesome. Wonderful.

She’d been relieved that he hadn’t been here last night.


Shut up, she told her inner voice. Not listening to you.

She didn’t want him. She did not spend last night thinking about him. She was perfectly fine with her vibrator for company. It never bossed her around. It gave her an orgasm every time. And if last night’s orgasm had been a bit more intense than usual, well, she wasn’t going to think too closely about the reason why.

She heaved out a loud sigh and stormed her way over to his table. Tonight, was busier, being a Saturday night, but she’d done the rounds for everyone else. There was just him left.


She thought about asking Sophie to take him, but her friend was a little quiet tonight. She looked worried. She was probably still shaken from her encounter with those dickheads the night before last. She wasn’t about to ask Sophie to take Connor’s order just because she was feeling chicken.

That kiss the other night was still haunting her. It shouldn’t be. He’d probably already forgotten it. And even if he was interested in her, well, he wouldn’t be if he knew who she really was. She had to keep reminding herself of that. She had to protect herself from being hurt.

Connor looked up as she approached. His gaze warmed. Damned if that wasn’t nice. But she didn’t let it loosen the ice around her heart.

“Got something for you.” She pulled the pamphlet out of her back pocket, slamming it down on the table.

“Alcoholics anonymous?” He looked shocked. Good, she’d actually managed to surprise him.

“You might want to give them a call. Find out where their next meeting is.”

“I’m not an alcoholic.”

“You’re here a lot. Drinking. Seems to me you’ve got a problem.”

He looked flabbergasted. Then he threw his head back and laughed. Around her, people stopped and stared. The women smiled.

Connor shook his head as he stopped laughing. There was still a wide smile on his face as he tapped the pamphlet. “Honey, I can assure you I am not an alcoholic. I never drink more than two beers in a night.”

“Then how come you’re here so much?” she asked suspiciously.

“Maybe it’s due to your sparkling personality and warm demeanor.”

She snorted. “Right.”

“Have you been thinking about me?” he asked in a low voice.

“Uh, no. Why would I?”

“Maybe you’ve been thinking about our kiss.”

“That isn’t happening again.”


“No,” she told him firmly.

“Oh, I think it will. I’m a patient man.”

“If you give me some line about being a predator and me being the prey, I’m going to find a gun and shoot you.”

“Honey, I would never mistake you for prey.”

She narrowed her gaze. “You know, I can’t actually tell if that’s a compliment or an insult.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic