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“Four and a half months,” Gray told him. “And it’s more than just dating. Lacey has moved in with me.”

Drat. She hadn’t been planning on telling her cousins that just yet. Travis turned that bright blue gaze on her. “Oh? And when were you planning on telling us?”

When hell froze over. “I figured I’d wait a year or two.”

“You were keeping it from us?” Jace feigned a hurt look, and she rolled her eyes.

“You guys have tried to scare off every boyfriend I’ve ever had with your insanely overprotective attitudes, so excuse me for wanting to keep this relationship a secret. I kind of wanted to see what it was like to have a boyfriend before you guys scared him away.”

“They won’t scare me away,” Gray told her firmly. “I’m in this for good.” He pulled her close, and a warm feeling filled her.

“Great, I think I just puked a little,” Travis muttered. “Come on, you might as well come inside.”

She’d been looking forward to seeing the inside of the club, but instead, Travis led them down a hallway and into a small office with several computer screens set on a large desk.

“Jace has gone through the security cameras inside and outside the club for last Saturday night and early Sunday morning. You’re not going to like what he found.”

Her stomach dropped at Travis’s words. She took a seat beside Jace, and Gray sat on the other side of her largest cousin. Jace clicked on his keyboard and brought up a black and white security feed.

“There’s Rory,” Gray said grimly, pointing to a petite, dark-haired girl, dressed in a miniskirt and nothing else. “Wonderful, just what I’ve always wanted to see—my sister’s boobs.”

“That’s not the worst of it,” Travis told him.

Rory stood at the bar, sipping a drink.

“You have cameras throughout the club?” Lacey asked. Wasn’t that an invasion of privacy? Did The Twisted Thorn have cameras? She wasn’t sure how she felt about having her scenes recorded.

“Not in the main part of the dungeon,” Travis explained. “But in the bar, the hallways, and outside each of the changing rooms we do, as well as at all the exits. Here he is.”

A well-built, Caucasian man walked over to Rory and drew her in for a kiss. His hand went under her skirt to cup and squeeze her ass and Gray made a strangled noise in his throat. Lacey’s heart beat faster for some reason. Her palms started to sweat.

“So, this is the boyfriend,” Gray said. “One of your members?”

“No,” Travis replied. “He’s not.”

Lacey watched as another man approached and said something to Rory. She smiled. But her boyfriend pulled her close, his body language clearly displaying he was furious as he snapped something at the other man.

“He’s older than her,” she commented. “Authoritative and jealous. He didn’t like that other man speaking to her.”

“A lot of men are possessive,” Travis commented. “Some might see it as protective.”

“And that’s being protective?” she asked as the man pulled Rory in front of him, her back to his chest. He squeezed her breast, then reached down under her skirt to cup her mound. Rory pulled at his arm, obviously wanting him to stop, but the man leaned down and said something to her and she stilled.

“She looks scared.” Something clearly wasn’t right.

“If he’s not one of your members does that mean Rory is?” Gray asked Travis.

“No. One of my employees let them in,” Travis told him. “I’ve spoken to him. He said he doesn’t know who this guy is. Apparently he approached him a few weeks ago and offered him a wad of cash to let him in. Needless to say, he’s fired.”

“We need to find out more about this man,” she said to Gray urgently. “I don’t like that he followed her home to find out where she lived or that he started sending her things. That’s not healthy behavior.”

“Rory had a couple of other close friends we can talk to.” He turned to Jace. “Can you send this to Connor? He might get a hit on facial recognition.”

Jace nodded grimly. “Sure thing.”

“Brace yourself,” Travis added.

Jace switched the feed, and Lacey watched as Rory stumbled slightly as she crossed the parking lot. Her boyfriend tucked her in closer. That gesture might have looked protective and caring under other circumstances. But he took the opportunity to squeeze her ass then slipped his hand under her skirt. She jumped and then turned to slap his chest.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic