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“Yes, I do,” she replied in a calm voice, her stare intent. “I know New York City. I can help you. You might need backup. I’m coming.”

He studied her for a moment. He should tell her no. But, in truth, he wanted her there with him. He nodded. “Two tickets.”

“Let us know when you find out anything and if you need any help,” Hunter said. “Whatever backup you need, you have.”

The others all nodded, their faces serious. He gave them all a nod in return. “Thanks for coming in everyone. Especially on a Sunday. I appreciate it.”

“Hey, we’re getting overtime, right?” Josh joked.

Curt threw a pen at him, and he ducked to the side.


Lacey followed Gray into Rory’s apartment, looking around in surprise. The apartment itself was gorgeous, floor-to-ceiling windows, wooden floors, and amazing views of the Manhattan skyline. But it was an absolute pigsty. Clothes strewn everywhere. Dirty dishes and garbage lay piled up on the kitchen counter, and the smell of rotting food filled the apartment. It was disgusting.

“If mother could see this she’d have a fit,” Gray muttered. “Luckily, she never comes to here anymore. I don’t know why she hasn’t sold this apartment.”

“Your mother owns this place?” Lacey asked, barely resisting the urge to pinch her nose closed as she moved through the living area.

“Yeah. She and father used to visit New York City a lot for his work. After he died, she never came back. Rory moved in, and it’s been her place ever since. Although last time I was here it didn’t look this bad.”

“Hey, who the fuck are you?”

Lacey turned to see a slim-built girl with pale skin and dark dreads, dressed in skinny, black jeans and a loose, black T-shirt glaring at her from across the room. “What the hell are you doing here? You can’t just walk in. I’m calling the cops.”

“And tell them what?” Gray asked as he moved closer to Lacey. “That someone has entered the apartment you’re illegally squatting in?”

“I’m not squatting,” the girl spat out. Her eyes looked too wide in her thin face, her cheeks sunken and her skin sallow. She wasn’t healthy. “Rory said I could stay here.”

“When did she tell you that, Nicole?”

“How do you know my name?” The girl looked frightened now, and Lacey wondered what sort of life she’d lived that had brought her to this point. Lacey studied the bruises on her arm, noting the needle tracks.

“I’ve seen photos of you with my sister,” Gray explained calmly. “When exactly did you last see my sister?”

“You’re her brother? What’s your name? Black? Blue?”


“Oh yeah, she said you were a boring, stick-in-the-mud who didn’t know how to have fun. She didn’t say how cute you were.” The girl stuck her hip out and pursed her lips. “How about you ditch the skinny bitch and come hang out with me?”

Gray stiffened. He was a patient man, but Lacey knew he hadn’t slept much last night, and he’d spent the whole day worrying over Rory. He was nearing the end of his endurance, and she didn’t blame him. And who was she calling a skinny bitch? If this girl turned sideways she’d disappear.

Lacey stepped in front of Gray. Just in case he felt the urge to shake some sense into the younger woman. “We’re here to find Rory. Nothing else. We’re concerned about her. When did you last see her?”

“You’re not going to make me leave?” Nicole asked in a small voice.

Suddenly, Lacey felt tired and sad. She heard Gray curse quietly. This girl needed help. It was obvious she didn’t have any place else to go.

“Nobody is kicking you out,” Gray told her. “But while you’re here, no drugs and no parties.”

“But I can stay?” There was a hopeful note in her voice, as if she didn’t quite believe him.

“Yes. So long as you clean this place up. It reeks in here.”

Nicole nodded quickly, looking far too young to be out in the world on her own. Where were her parents? “I will. It was like this when I got here, and Rory doesn’t like her stuff being touched.”

“If it’s left like this for much longer, it will become a health hazard,” Gray muttered, looking around him in disgust. “We’re going to stay close by. We’ll come in tomorrow to make sure you’re keeping this place, and yourself, clean.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic