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“She’s not answering her phone again?”

He leaned back in his chair. “When does she ever? So, what did you want to talk to me about?”

Now didn’t seem the right time to say she wanted to take their relationship to another level. Right now, he needed looking after more than anything else.

“It doesn’t matter, it wasn’t important. Would you like to go for a drink?”

“Before you came in here I thought the only thing I wanted was my bed.”

“That’s okay, maybe another time.” She started to back away, feeling chagrined.

It’s not a rejection. It’s not a rejection.

“You didn’t let me finish,” he said mildly, and she stilled in her tracks.

“Now, what I really want is to spend some time with you. Give me five minutes, and I’ll meet you at the front door?”

She smiled as her insides danced with happiness. “All right.”


She nearly snorted her soda out through her nose as Gray told her another funny story about when he and Hunter first met.

“He really said that to you?”

“Oh, yes. He was a real asshole back then. It’s taken me these last seven years to convince him to even consider hiring a woman. The only reason he hired Cady was because he was interested in her and he thought it was the best way to get her off the streets and into his bed.”

“It’s a wonder you didn’t kill him.”

“I wanted to. Many times. But while he can be a prick and a pain in the ass, he’s also the most loyal person you’ll ever met. And he cares about people, he just doesn’t always show it the way normal people do.”

“Like someone who overreacts every time they can’t reach their child,” she said casually. She reached for a corn chip. They’d opted for drinks and appetizers instead of dinner. Although she’d been sticking to soda, and Gray had only had two drinks. She liked that he didn’t drink much. She couldn’t be around someone who over-indulged.

“I wouldn’t call that normal behavior.”

“No. It’s not. Have you ever suggested she talk to someone?”

He snorted. “She’s been seeing someone for the last ten years. Dr. Michael Kent. He’s the most useless idiot you’ve ever met. But he’s handsome, charming, and it’s fashionable to go to him because he was on one of those stupid reality shows. A real quack.”

She winced. “Oh.”

“Not that I think all shrinks are quacks. But this one is.”

She didn’t address the shrink comment. “It’s unfortunate he’s so bad at his job. It sounds like she could really use someone to help her.”

“We’ve all tried to convince her to see someone else, but it does no good. I gave up arguing when every conversation ended with her sobbing that I didn’t love her. But Rory has always liked to go her own way, no matter what.”

Kind of selfish of her. She’d never have left her brother to deal with one of their parents like Rory did with Gray.

“Enough about my family. Are you going to tell me what you wanted to talk to be about?”

“It doesn’t matter.” She’d lost her nerve now. She turned to look out at the crowd gathering in the small bar.

“Lacey, look at me.”

He waited until she turned her head, pinning her with his intense gaze. “It does matter, and I want to know.”

She licked her lips. “I just . . .it’s um . . .” Jesus, Lacey, spit it out. “I think I’m ready. Or at least I want to try, to see if I am.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic