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“Is that the way you greet me?”

“I thought we weren’t playing?”

“Wouldn’t take much to plug your butt,” he warned. He’d taken her to a sex store to grab some supplies since he didn’t have his gear with him. She’d been like a kid in a candy store. Until they’d reached the butt plugs. She’d wanted to stick to that tiny thing she kept in her bedside drawer. He’d wanted to buy something ten times that size. They’d compromised with something in the middle.

He knew she still wasn’t keen, which is why it made such a good threat.

She quickly dropped to her knees. Spreading her legs, she bowed her head, placing her hands palm-up on her legs.

“Good girl. You may stand.” Satisfaction filled him at her submission. To reward her, he cupped his hand around her neck and pulled her in for a long, hot kiss.

“You do know this is a thoroughfare, right?” a sarcastic voice asked from behind him.

Tiny turned to stare over his shoulder at the man walking towards him.

Reagan cleared her throat. “Sir, can I introduce Master Sloan. Master Sloan, this is Master Tiny.”

The other Dom looked him up and down, a hint of amusement in his face.

“Reagan, maybe you should show your master to the play room before you become a fire hazard. First, there’s a holdup at the desk because Maddy had to leave. Some sort of emergency. And the sub replacing her is completely flustered, and now you two are blocking the corridor.” He raised one eyebrow. “About time Roarke found a Dom who could handle you.”

Tiny didn’t like the way Reagan bit her lip, looking unsure.

“Obviously, he needed to outsource,” he said easily. “The Doms here couldn’t do the job.”

Instead, of taking offense, the big Dom just threw back his head and laughed. “I like you. Couldn’t do the job, ain’t that the truth.” He moved past them, shaking his head.

“The job? I’m just a job?” Reagan glared up at him.

Hmm, probably not the best choice of words.

“Not what I meant,” he told her easily. He reached out and ran a finger over the creamy skin of her breasts above the corset. “This you can wear at home.”

“You like it?”

“Fuck, yeah, I like it.” He grimaced. “It’s gonna be a long night.”

She grinned, all trace of hurt gone.

He placed his hand on the small of her back. “Show me the playroom.”

It was a well-equipped club; he was impressed. There were plenty of safety monitors, he was pleased to see. Everyone greeted them pleasantly, although a few of the Doms gave him sympathetic looks. He frowned back. Slowly, they moved around the room, studying each scene. A young male was tied to a St. Andrews cross. A short, muscular Dom whipped him steadily, stopping briefly to check in with his sub.

They walked over to where a plump, pretty brunette lay naked and bound to a padded table. An older Dom, his salt and pepper hair slicked back, was dripping hot w

ax onto her body. She twisted, moaning with each application of the wax.

Tiny watched Reagan, taking note of which things interested her and what didn’t. She hadn’t reacted to the whipping, but the hot wax scene practically made her squirm.

A dark-haired Dom pulled his curvy sub over to a chair. He sat and dragged her over his lap and started smacking her ass. When he was finished, he hugged her tight as she wept against him. Tiny guided Reagan on, even though her gaze lingered on the punished sub and her Dom.

They reached the medical corner where a curvy blonde was strapped down to a table, her legs in stirrups. Sloan, the master he’d met earlier, was pushing a speculum into her pussy. Reagan gasped. Liked that, did she? That kind of surprised him.

“Oh, no, Sir. Please, Sir.”

“A bit more,” Sloan said almost tenderly.

When the speculum was fully inside, he opened it, locking it into place. Everyone watched on, completely enthralled as Sloan took a swab. Then he picked up a small light, peering deep into the sub’s pussy. Finally, he took pity on the whimpering sub and withdrew the speculum.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic