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“Just because your father is an asshole is no reason not to see your sisters. You’re lucky to have siblings. I’d love a brother or sister. Other than my aunt, I have no family, and you have all these sisters, you’re lucky.”

He was. He’d never thought of himself as lucky when it came to family, but she was right.

“I’ll call them,” he promised.

“Soon?” she said suspiciously.

“Soon, little boss. I do send their kids birthday cards,” he defended.

“They have kids, and you don’t see them?” She glared at him. “I’d love a niece or nephew.”

“You can have mine. I’ve got eight.”

“Eight? Wow.” She ran her fingers up his shirt, not meeting his eyes. “Do you want kids?”

“Never thought I did.”

Her face fell slightly, and he tipped her face up, kissing her lightly. “But I could see myself with kids. In a year or two.”

“A year or two. Yes.”

Chapter Ten

Tiny waited patiently for Reagan outside the women’s changing rooms at Club Decadence. He’d wanted her to get ready at her apartment, but she’d told him it put her in a submissive mindset to get dressed here. She’d promised she wouldn’t be alone, and she’d been right. Three women had been waiting for them and had swept her away, Tara among them.

His reasons for coming here tonight hadn’t just been about getting a feel for the place and its members. He’d also wanted to distract Reagan. She seemed almost brittle, and it worried him. They were both tense. Especially since he was at the end of his holiday leave. He’d had to ask Gray for some more time off. He needed to find this bastard. Now.

He hoped her intruder decided to take the opportunity to break in again. The locks had been changed so they probably wouldn’t get inside, but there were cameras in the corridor outside Reagan’s apartment. Tiny thought they were probably using a jammer to interfere with the signal between the control panel and the sensors. When the frequency was jammed, he’d receive an alert on his watch.

He’d debated whether to have someone watch the apartment, but he’d decided it was a waste of resources if nothing happened. He didn’t know when this asshole would strike. Could be tonight, could be three weeks from now. Reagan lived about ten minutes from the club, so he was hoping that if the alarm went off that he’d have enough time to get back.

Where was she? If she wasn’t out in the next two minutes, then he was going to… His thoughts scattered as the door to the women’s changing rooms opened, and out she stepped.

Heaven help him.

How was he supposed to keep his hands off her? She was obviously determined to drive him insane.

The skirt she wore was black, pleated, and loose. It ended just below her butt cheeks. She’d paired it with a black corset that barely covered her breasts. He was pretty certain he could see a hint of nipple at the top of the corset.

She wore bright red lipstick, and her hair glistened under the lights. She was a walking, talking dream, and he was speechless.

She moved toward him. She didn’t walk. She glided. A few feet away she stopped and ran her gaze over him.

“You’re gorgeous,” she told him.

Gorgeous? Him? Was she insane? He looked like he hurt people for a living. He wore plain black jeans and a white T-shirt. He wasn’t into fetish gear—on him. She was the gorgeous one. Smart, beautiful, successful.

Out of his league.

Stupid fucking idiot.

He pushed the voice out of his head. Fuck off, old man.

He cleared his throat. “That’s my line.”

“It is? Thank you, Sir.”

Okay, he needed to bring things back under his control. Give her an inch, and she’d have him wrapped around her little finger.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic