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“You okay?” Dylan asked her, moving his arm away.

“Thankfully I don’t get car sick,” she joked.

“I should have warned you first,” Rogan said. His face was as composed and cool as ever. Did anything rattle this guy?

“No worries. It had to be done. We really lost them?”

Rogan looked back then nodded.

“Iker’s got some balls to put a tail on my men, but then he goes and uses amateurs? He’s not as smart as I thought,” Rogan said coldly.

No, Tilly thought. Incurring Rogan’s wrath wasn’t a smart move at all.


Tilly stepped up to the door of her apartment, coming to a stop as she saw it was slightly ajar. “Dylan?” she said in a scared voice.

Dylan immediately pushed her behind him.

“Wait here with Rogan.”

Dylan nodded to Colm, who had drawn a gun and they both slipped into the apartment, leaving her and Rogan in the corridor. Brandt was waiting outside the building. Rogan pulled her down the corridor towards the stairs.

“Do you think someone is in there?” she asked. She shook with fear as she waited.

Rogan shook her head. “No, I don’t think so.”

Dylan strode out of her apartment and walked towards them, a grim look on his face.

“No one is in there, but the place has been trashed.” Dylan pulled her close against him.

Rogan looked grim. “Iker.”

“Bastard,” Dylan said.

“He’ll deny it, of course,” Rogan said.

“How bad is it?” she asked.

“Pretty bad,” Dylan told her. “There isn’t much worth salvaging. Wait out here and I’ll see what I can do.”

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m coming in.”

“Tilly, there really isn’t much that they left intact.”

“It’s just stuff,” she said with more bravado than she felt. “And they may not have found my jewelry box.”

“You hid it?” Dylan asked.

She nodded. Although she’d prepared herself for a mess, Tilly couldn’t help her gasp of dismay as she walked into her apartment and saw all of her belongings smashed or ripped to pieces.

“Lucky, I didn’t have much stuff,” she said, as she picked up the photo of her and her brothers. The frame had been destroyed, the photo ripped in two. She put the ripped pieces into her bag.

“I’m so sorry, a mhuirnín,” Dylan said.

“My landlord is going to be furious.”

“How did your neighbors not hear anything?” Colm asked.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic